
By million12

Updated almost 6 years ago

Jira Server in Docker (MySQL/MariaDB Support)



Jira Server in Docker

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Docker Layers

Docker image with Atlassian Jira build in docker. Integrated with MySQL/MariaDB support. Base image is million12/centos-supervisor which is based on offcial CentOS-7 image.

User will need a licence to be able to finish setup. Either evaluation one or full.

This image can be run just by itself but then it will have support only for Jira build-in database HSQL.

Basic Usage

docker run \
-d \
--name jira \
-p 8080:8080 \

Access setup page under docker.ip:8080 and follow installation procedure.
Atlassian Jira licence is required to finish installation.


This image comes with few environmental variables that will be needed to connect it to MYSQL/MariaDB container.

DB_SUPPORT - Enabling certain database support. (mysql or mariadb support at the moment. PostgerSQL will be implemented in the future).
MARIADB_USER - Database administrator username.
MARIADB_PASS - Database administrator password.
JIRA_DB_ADDRESS - Database address (ip or format).
JIRA_DB_NAME - Jira database name.
JIRA_USER - Jira database username.
JIRA_PASS - Jira database password.

MySQL/MariaDB and Data Container Usage

In this example we will deploy Jira server with MySQL/MariaDB support and with separate Data container which will keep installation files and Jira user-data files shared with host os for easy backup.

MariaDB Docker image
docker run -d \
  --name jira-db \
  -e MARIADB_USER=admin \
  -e MARIADB_PASS=password \
Data container
docker run -d \
  --name jira-data \
  -v /data/jira/jira-install:/opt/atlassian \
  -v /data/jira/jira-data:/var/atlassian \
Jira container
docker run -d \
  --name jira \
  --link jira-db:jira.db \
  --volumes-from jira-data \
  -e MARIADB_USER=admin \
  -e MARIADB_PASS=password \
  -e JIRA_DB_ADDRESS=jira.db \
  -e JIRA_DB_NAME=jiradb \
  -e JIRA_USER=jira-user \
  -e JIRA_PASS=password \
  -e DB_SUPPORT=mariadb \
  -p 80:8080 \
Docker troubleshooting

Use docker command to see if all required containers are up and running:

$ docker ps -a

Check online logs of jira container:

$ docker logs jira

Attach to running jira container (to detach the tty without exiting the shell, use the escape sequence Ctrl+p + Ctrl+q):

$ docker attach jira

Sometimes you might just want to review how things are deployed inside a running container, you can do this by executing a bash shell through docker's exec command:

docker exec -i -t jira /bin/bash

History of an image and size of layers:

docker history --no-trunc=true million12/jira | tr -s ' ' | tail -n+2 | awk -F " ago " '{print $2}'


Author: Przemyslaw Ozgo

Sponsored - the new prototyping tool for building highly-interactive prototypes of your website or web app. Built on top of TYPO3 Neos CMS and Zurb Foundation framework.

Docker Pull Command

docker pull million12/jira