million12/php-app, extended with SSHD and easy keys management (via GitHub API)
This is a Docker container million12/php-app-ssh based on million12/nginx-php, with only one addition: running SSH daemon.
Assuming you use million12/nginx-php
for running the actual app, you can use this image as a side container to easily get into the container via ssh, perform command-line tasks (eg. composer install, npm, gulp), upload files via SFTP etc.
For different PHP versions, look up different branches of this repository.
On Docker Hub you can find them under different tags:
- PHP 7.0 # built from master
branch million12/php-app-ssh:php70
- PHP 7.0 # built from php70
branch million12/php-app-ssh:php56
- PHP 5.6 # built from php56
branch million12/php-app-ssh:php55
- PHP 5.5 # built from php55
branch SSH keys are added from GitHub via GitHub API. The only thing you need to do is to provide your username (or usernames, coma-separated) via env variable IMPORT_GITHUB_PUB_KEYS
. Of course you need to have your pubkey added on your GitHub account.
docker run -d -p 1122:22 --volumes-from="webdata-container" --env="IMPORT_GITHUB_PUB_KEYS=user1,user2" million12/php-app-ssh
After container is launched, you can login:ssh -p 1122 www@docker-host
image: million12/php-app-ssh
- '1122:22'
- webdata-container
IMPORT_GITHUB_PUB_KEYS: user1,user2,user3
Marcin ryzy Ryzycki
Sponsored by Prototype Brewery - the new prototyping tool for building highly-interactive prototypes of your website or web app. Built on top of Neos CMS and Zurb Foundation framework.
docker pull million12/php-app-ssh