MkDocs is a fast, simple and downright gorgeous
static site generator that’s geared towards building project documentation.
Documentation source files are written in Markdown, and configured with a single
YAML configuration file.
Installed extensions Themes Plugins Absolute to relative link Add number plugin
to automatically number the headings (h1-h6) in each markdown page and the
simplifies relative linking between documents.Autorefs automatically link across
pages.Awesome Pages
plugin allows you
to customize how your pages show up the navigation of your MkDocs without
having to configure the full structure in your mkdocs.yml
.Exclude allows you to exclude
files from your input using unix-style wildcards (globs) or regular
expressions (regexes).Categories allows for
multiple categories per page and will generate a category index pageGallery Gen files programmatically
generates documentation pages during the build.Git authors Git committers Git revision
date Merge plugin allows you to merge
the source of multiple MkDocs sites into a single one converting each of the
specified sites to a sub-site of the master site.Enumerate
headings will
enumerate the headings (h1-h6) across site pages.Img2Fig converts
to <figure>
.Kroki Literate Nav specifies the
navigation in Markdown instead of YAML.Macros transforms the
markdown pages into jinja2 templates that use variables, calls to macros and
custom filters.Markdown extra
data injects the
mkdocs.yml extra variables into the markdown template.Minify to minify HTML
and/or JS files prior to being written to disk.Mkdocstrings automatic documentation from
sources.Mkdocs with
Confluence Plugin for
uploading markdown documentation to Confluence via Confluence REST APIMonorepo Build multiple
documentation in a single Mkdocs. Designed for large codebases.Multirepo Build
documentation in multiple repos into one site.Nav weight enables to organize
navigation in a more markdownic wayNeoterot plugins No sitemap
disables the generation of a sitemap in Mkdocs sites.Print site
adds a page to your site combining all pages, allowing your site visitors to
File > Print > Save as PDF
the entire site.Publisher Pymdownx Material
Extras Safe text for safe text
editing with MKDocs.Same dir allows placing
mkdocs.yml in the same directory as documentation.Simple hooks to define
your own hooks for mkdocs, without having to create a new package.Simple enables you to build a
documentation site from markdown interspersed within your repository using
mkdocs.Swagger UI Redirects to create page
redirects (e.g. for moved/renamed pages).Only in 1-pdf and pdf tags PDF export will
export all markdown pages in your project as PDF files using WeasyPrint. (only
in pdf
and 1-pdf
tag)PDF generate will generate a
single PDF file from MkDocs repository. (only in pdf
and 1.0-pdf
tag)Markdown extension Customblocks settles a
common markup for parametrizable and nestable components.Include allows the
inclusion of the contents of other Markdown documents.Pygments is a generic syntax highlighter.PyMdown Extensions is a
collection of extensions for Python Markdown.Usage Create a new documentation project in doc
docker run --rm -v "`pwd`:/app" -w /app minidocks/mkdocs new doc
Copy Start documentation server in doc
directory on port 8000 with material design
docker run --rm -v "`pwd`:/app" -w /app/doc -p 8000:8000 minidocks/mkdocs serve -a -t material
Copy Tags Tag Size latest, 1 1 1-pdf pdf
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