
By minio

Updated 9 days ago

Collection of tests for hardening and stability of MinIO server



Mint SlackDocker Pulls

Mint is a testing framework for Minio object server, available as a podman image. It runs correctness, benchmarking and stress tests. Following are the SDKs/tools used in correctness tests.

  • awscli
  • aws-sdk-go
  • aws-sdk-java
  • aws-sdk-java-v2
  • aws-sdk-php
  • aws-sdk-ruby
  • healthcheck
  • mc
  • minio-go
  • minio-java
  • minio-js
  • minio-py
  • s3cmd
  • s3select
  • versioning

Running Mint

Mint is run by podman run command which requires Podman to be installed. For Podman installation follow the steps here.

To run Mint with Minio Play server as test target,

$ podman run -e -e ACCESS_KEY=Q3AM3UQ867SPQQA43P2F \
             -e SECRET_KEY=zuf+tfteSlswRu7BJ86wekitnifILbZam1KYY3TG -e ENABLE_HTTPS=1 minio/mint

After the tests are run, output is stored in /mint/log directory inside the container. To get these logs, use podman cp command. For example

podman cp <container-id>:/mint/log /tmp/logs
Mint environment variables

Below environment variables are required to be passed to the podman container. Supported environment variables:

Environment variableDescriptionExample
SERVER_ENDPOINTEndpoint of Minio server in the format HOST:PORT; for virtual style
ACCESS_KEYAccess key for SERVER_ENDPOINT credentialsQ3AM3UQ867SPQQA43P2F
SECRET_KEYSecret Key for SERVER_ENDPOINT credentialszuf+tfteSlswRu7BJ86wekitnifILbZam1KYY3TG
ENABLE_HTTPS(Optional) Set 1 to indicate to use HTTPS to access SERVER_ENDPOINT. Defaults to 0 (HTTP)1
MINT_MODE(Optional) Set mode indicating what category of tests to be run by values core, full. Defaults to corefull
DOMAIN(Optional) Value of MINIO_DOMAIN environment variable used in Minio
ENABLE_VIRTUAL_STYLE(Optional) Set 1 to indicate virtual style access . Defaults to 0 (Path style)1
RUN_ON_FAIL(Optional) Set 1 to indicate execute all tests independent of failures (currently implemented for minio-go and minio-java) . Defaults to 01
SERVER_REGION(Optional) Set custom region for region specific testsus-west-1
Test virtual style access against Minio server

To test Minio server virtual style access with Mint, follow these steps:

  • Set a domain in your Minio server using environment variable MINIO_DOMAIN. For example export
  • Start Minio server.
  • Execute Mint against Minio server (with MINIO_DOMAIN set to using this command
$ podman run -e "SERVER_ENDPOINT=" -e ""  \
	     -e "ACCESS_KEY=minio" -e "SECRET_KEY=minio123" -e "ENABLE_HTTPS=0" \
	     -e "ENABLE_VIRTUAL_STYLE=1" minio/mint
Mint log format

All test logs are stored in /mint/log/log.json as multiple JSON document. Below is the JSON format for every entry in the log file.

JSON fieldTypeDescriptionExample
namestringTesting tool/SDK name"aws-sdk-php"
functionstringTest function name"getBucketLocation ( array $params = [] )"
argsobject(Optional) Key/Value map of arguments passed to test function{"Bucket":"aws-sdk-php-bucket-20341"}
durationintTime taken in milliseconds to run the test384
statusstringone of PASS, FAIL or NA"PASS"
alertstring(Optional) Alert message indicating test failure"I/O error on create file"
messagestring(Optional) Any log message"validating checksum of downloaded object"
errorstringDetailed error message including stack trace on status FAIL"Error executing \"CompleteMultipartUpload\" on ...

For Developers

Running Mint development code

After making changes to Mint source code a local podman image can be built/run by

$ podman build -t minio/mint . -f Dockerfile
$ podman run -e -e ACCESS_KEY=Q3AM3UQ867SPQQA43P2F \
             -e SECRET_KEY=zuf+tfteSlswRu7BJ86wekitnifILbZam1KYY3TG \
             -e ENABLE_HTTPS=1 -e MINT_MODE=full minio/mint:latest
Adding tests with new tool/SDK

Below are the steps need to be followed

  • Create new app directory under build and run/core directories.
  • Create which does installation of required tool/SDK under app directory.
  • Any build and install time dependencies should be added to install-packages.list.
  • Build time dependencies should be added to remove-packages.list for removal to have clean Mint podman image.
  • Add in app directory under run/core which execute actual tests.

Test data

Tests may use pre-created data set to perform various object operations on Minio server. Below data files are available under /mint/data directory.

File nameSize
Updating SDKs/binaries in the image

In many cases, updating the SDKs or binaries in the image is just a matter of making a commit updating the corresponding version in this repo. However, in some cases, e.g. when mc needs to be updated (the latest mc is pulled in during each mint image build), a sort of "dummy" commit is required as an image rebuild must be triggered. Note that an empty commit does not appear to trigger the image rebuild in the Docker Hub.

Docker Pull Command

docker pull minio/mint