Run NodeJS applications with this Docker container. Incoming connections are handled by nginx server, and the node server takes care of processing the requests and generating the responses.
The following components are installed in the container:
Startint the Docker Container
Use command below. Note the (optional) explicit mapping of container ports. Without this explicit port mapping Docker will pick randon port numbers.
$ docker run -d -p 2020:22 -p 80:80 -p 8080:8080 -name=nginx-nodejs -h=nginx-nodejs misho1kr/nginx-nodejs
The Node server is great for running web applications while Nginx excels at handling tasks like terminating SSL connections and load-balancing traffic between multiple backend servers. For more detailed explanation of the advantages of running Nginx in front of Node server search the Internet.
The public RSA key is built in the Docker container. To pass the authentication you need the corresponding private RSA which can be obtained from the GitHub repo to be used with the ssh command:
$ ssh -p 2020 -i nginx-nodejs-server.key root@docker-container-hostname
Needless to say, this pre-built public RSA key should be replaced. Replace the RSA keypair with your keys and build the container with the Dockerfile, or use the ssh-copy-id command to override the key of existing Docker container.
Most of the components in the Docker container are set up to log to stdout and/or stderr which are handled by supervisord. However nginx does not allow to direct the access log to stdout, the only options are plain file or syslog.
Logrotate runs at regular inervals to check the nginx access logfile and rotate it when necessary.
docker pull misho1kr/nginx-nodejs