
By misho1kr

Updated over 9 years ago



Secure Setup

VNC server that is accessed through SSH tunnel that encrypts all traffic between the client and the server. This is an improved implementation of stable Docker container running VNC server with enhanced security features.

Encrypted traffic

The integrity and confidentiality of the traffic between the VNC viewer and the server is protected with encryption and public key authetication. The communication channel is established in two steps:

  1. SSH tunnel is created between the host where the viewer is started and the Docker container running the secure VNC server
  2. The VNC viewer connects to the VNC server through the SSH tunnel

SSH server

This Docker container runs SSH server that is used to create secure channel between the client and server, and to allow passwordless login with RSA key. Of course, it can be used to simply login to running Docker container with ssh.

Public key authentication

The secure vnc server can be accessed only if the caller has its public RSA key uploaded to the Docker server. Here are two different ways to get this done.

  • If you are building Docker image using the Dockefile in this folder, first copy your public RSA key to a file named vnc-server-key.pub, then run the docker build command. The publuc key will be "baked" into the image.

  • If you have downloaded the trusted Docker image first you have to acquire the private RSA key that was preloaded into the image. Download the file vnc-server-key from this GitHub repository and use it replace the public RSA key in the Docker container with your own key.

$ wget https://raw2.github.com/misho-kr/docker-appliances/master/vnc-server/secure/vnc-server-key
2014-02-17 02:31:13 (18.3 MB/s) - ‘vnc-server-key’ saved [1679/1679]

$ docker run -d -p 2020:22 -name="vnc-secure" -h="vnc-secure" misho1kr/vnc-secure
$ scp -P 2020 $HOME/.ssh/id_rsa.pub root@docker-host:.ssh/authorized_keys
id_rsa.pub                                            100%  228     0.2KB/s   00:00
$ rm vnc-server-key
$ ssh -p 2020 root@localhost
Last login: ... from ...
[root@vnc-secure ~]#

Connecting to the secure VNC server

Create SSH tunnel then point the vnc viewer to it. If the Docker container is running on host docker-host, and the firewall is configured to allow incoming connections on port 5900/tcp, then the following commands will do that:

$ ssh -L 5900:localhost:5900 docker-host
Last login: ... from ...

# open new terminal and run
$ vinagre localhost:0

If you are using Vinagre as vnc viewer, it supports SSH tunneling so you don't have to create the tunnel in separate step. Make sure to check the box Use host ... as a SSH tunnel.

Docker Pull Command

docker pull misho1kr/vnc-secure