
By mlindeman

Updated about 1 year ago

Simple Fuseki image with UI.



Apache Jena Fuseki


this image is obsolete, please use the mlindeman/jena image.

Docker build file for running a container with Apache Jena Fuseki including UI. All Fuseki CLI parameters documented in the Fuseki Docker project should work, but I use this image only for serving local files.

Apache Jena

Next to Fuseki, this image also contains the Jena, containing the APIs, SPARQL engine, the TDB native RDF database and command line tools. This is not needed to run Fuseki (the Jena SPARQL server), but convineant to create TDB2 databases and other usage of the Jena CLI tools.


docker buildx build -t mlindeman/fuseki .

Run container

Assuming you have a file data/example.ttl (this example file is available in this repo):

docker run --rm -p 3030:3030 \
  -v $PWD/data:/usr/share/data mlindeman/fuseki \
  --file=/usr/share/data/example.ttl /ds

After startup, your dataset should be available with UI on http://localhost:3030/#/dataset/ds/query

Create a TDB2 RDF Store

To create a TDB2 from your local RDF files, use a one time container to run of of the Jena CLI tools (in this case tdb2.tdbloader). See this example that will create a tsb2 RDF Store from the example.ttl file:

docker run -it --rm -v $PWD/data:/data \
  --entrypoint tdb2.tdbloader \
  mlindeman/fuseki --loc=/data/tdb2 /data/example.ttl

After you have created the tdb2 store, you can start Fuseki with it:

docker run --rm -p 3030:3030 \
  -v $PWD/tdb2:/tdb2 mlindeman/fuseki \
  --loc=/tdb2 /ds

Docker Pull Command

docker pull mlindeman/fuseki