
By morphy

Updated over 3 years ago

Kubernetes sidecar for MongoDB




Mongo Kubernetes Replica Set Sidecar

This project is as a PoC to setup a MongoDB replica set using Kubernetes. It should handle resizing of any type and be resilient to the various conditions both MongoDB and Kubernetes can find themselves in.

It's a fork of cvallance/mongo-k8s-sidecar with (many) changes and improvements.

How to use it

The docker image is hosted on Docker Hub and can be found here:

An example Kubernetes replication controller can be found in the examples directory on GitHub:

Environment VariableRequiredDefaultDescription
KUBERNETES_CLUSTER_DOMAINNOcluster.localThis allows the specification of a custom cluster domain name. Used for the creation of a stable network ID of the k8s Mongo pods. An example could be: "kube.local".
KUBERNETES_SERVICE_NAMEYESmongoThis should point to the MongoDB Kubernetes (headless) service that identifies all the pods.
KUBERNETES_NAMESPACENOThe namespace to look up pods in. Not setting it will search for pods in all namespaces.
KUBERNETES_POD_LABELSYESThis should be a be a comma separated list of key values the same as the podTemplate labels. See above for example.
MONGO_PORTNO27017Configures the mongo port, allows the usage of non-standard ports.
MONGO_CONFIG_SVRNOfalseConfigures the configsvr variable when initializing the replicaset.
MONGO_DATABASENOlocalConfigures the mongo authentication database
MONGO_USERNAMENOConfigures the mongo username for authentication
MONGO_PASSWORDNOConfigures the mongo password for authentication
MONGO_AUTH_SOURCENOadminConfigures the mongo database for authentication
MONGO_AUTH_MECHANISMNOSCRAM-SHA-1Configures the mongo authentication mechanism
MONGO_TLSNOfalseEnable MongoDB TLS connection
MONGO_TLS_CANOPath to TLS CA Certificate
MONGO_TLS_CERTNOPath to TLS Certificate
MONGO_TLS_PASSNOTLS Certificate pass phrase
MONGO_TLS_CRLNOPath to TLS Certificate revocation list
MONGO_TLS_IDENTITY_CHECKNOtrueServer identity check during TLS. Checks server's hostname against the certificate
SIDECAR_SLEEP_SECONDSNO5This is how long to sleep between work cycles.
SIDECAR_UNHEALTHY_SECONDSNO30This is how many seconds a replica set member has to get healthy before automatically being removed from the replica set.


The following is an example of how you would update the mongo command enabling TLS and using a certificate obtained from a secret and mounted at /data/tls/mongo/


        - name: my-mongo
          image: mongo
            - mongod
            - "--replSet=rs0"
            - "--tlsMode=requireTLS"
            - "--tlsCAFile=/var/run/secrets/"
            - "--tlsCertificateKeyFile=/data/tls/mongo/full.pem"
            - "--bind_ip="

Environment variables, Volume & Volume Mounts

            - name: mongo-persistent-storage
              mountPath: /data/db
            - name: mongo-tls
              mountPath: /data/tls/mongo
        - name: mongo-sidecar
          image: morphy/k8s-mongo-sidecar
            - name: KUBERNETES_POD_LABELS
              value: "role=mongo,environment=prod"
            - name: MONGO_TLS
              value: "true"
            - name: MONGO_TLS_CA
              value: "/var/run/secrets/"
            - name: "MONGO_TLS_CERT"
              value: "/data/tls/mongo/cert.pem"
            - name: MONGO_TLS_KEY
              value: "/data/tls/mongo/key.pem"
            - name: mongo-tls
              mountPath: /data/tls/mongo
        - name: mongo-tls
            secretName: mongo-tls
            defaultMode: 256 # file permission 0400

Creating Secret for TLS

  1. Generate a certificate with your Kubernetes cluster as CA that is explained here
  2. Merge your certificate and key named as cert.pem and key.pem into a single file
cat cert.pem key.pem > full.pem
  1. Push the secrets to your cluster
kubectl create secret generic mongo-tls \
--from-file=full.pem \
--from-file=key.pem \

Docker Pull Command

docker pull morphy/k8s-mongo-sidecar