
By moyito2604

Updated 9 months ago

A Docker Container used to deploy the Medieval Minecraft Mod V3 for use in containerized environment




A containerized instance can be made and run using the following command

docker run -p <port>:25565 -v '/path/to/files':'/data':'rw' moyito2604/mmc3-docker:latest

Default Java Arguments are set with minimum memory requirements of -Xms4096m -Xmx6144m

To change these arguments and add more, add the following environment variable to the container before the image name

-e JAVA_ARGS="New Java Arguments"

Memory arguments can be set to either megabytes or gigabytes with -Xms4096m as Megabytes and -Xms4G as Gigabytes

RCON can be enabled as well by setting the following two arguments

-p <port>:25575 -e RCON_PASS="password"

The default password is changeme if it isn't changed in the argument

Docker Pull Command

docker pull moyito2604/mmc3-docker