Image for TeXLive 2024 support for AMD64 and ARM64
This docker image support linux/amd64 and linux/arm64 you can run in macOS Docker Desktop M1 too. It can run LaTeX, pdfLaTeX, XeLaTeX, LuaLaTeX and all from TeXLive.
TeX Live Only
docker run -itd --name texlive -v $PWD:/data mrchoke/texlive
docker exec -it texlive bash
docker run -itd --name texlive -v $PWD:/data -p 222:22 mrchoke/texlive:2021-ssh
ssh -p222 -l root localhost
**Password 123456
You can change root's password with following command.
docker exec -it texlive passwd
You can use Visual Studio Code (VSCode) with Visual Studio Code Remote - Container extension or Visual Studio Code Remote - SSH extension and Visual Studio Code LaTeX Workshop Extension.
docker pull mrchoke/texlive