
By mrmarble

Updated 11 days ago

One Password secret driver for docker swarm



Docker OnePassword Secrets Plugin

docker pullslicense

This project provides a Docker plugin to use OnePassword as a secrets provider. It allows Docker containers to securely access secrets stored in OnePassword. The plugin uses the OnePassword Connect API to retrieve secrets and provide them to Docker containers.


  • OnePassword (Obviously)
  • Docker swarm mode (for using Docker secrets)


The plugin can be configured using the following environment variables:

  • OP_CONNECT_HOST: The OnePassword Connect (hostdefault: http://localhost:8080)
  • OP_CONNECT_TOKEN: The OnePassword Connect token
  • OP_VAULT_NAME: The OnePassword vault used for secrets (default: docker)


  1. Set up the OnePassword Connect and Sync services using Docker Compose, follow the instructions in the OnePassword Connect documentation.

    docker-compose up -d # There is a docker-compose.yml file in the root of this repository
  2. Install the plugin

    docker plugin install mrmarble/opsd:latest OP_CONNECT_HOST=<one password connect api host> OP_CONNECT_TOKEN=<your_token> OP_VAULT_NAME=<vault where secrets are stored>


  1. Create a secret in OnePassword

    op item create --category=password --title=my-app-secrets --vault=docker 'MY_SECRET[password]=supersecretpassword'
  2. Create a Docker secret using the plugin

    docker secret create --driver mrmarble/opsd:latest -l item=my-app-secrets MY_SECRET
  3. Use the secret in a service

    docker service create --secret MY_SECRET --name my-app my-app-image


This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.

Docker Pull Command

docker plugin install mrmarble/opsd