André Offringa's MWA preprocessing pipeline
André Offringa's MWA pre-processing pipeline.
Once installed, simply run cotter
to see the list of available options.
This is simple to compile from source, but Debian-based distros provide this library in the liberfa-dev
An open-source replacement for LIBSLA. This depends only on ERFA and is also simple to compile from source, but because it is a little different, instructions are listed below.
Installation instructions
# PREFIX is where you want to install LIBPAL; a sensible choice is /usr/local
# ERFA_ROOT is where ERFA is installed; this is probably /usr
./configure --prefix="$PREFIX" --without-starlink --with-erfa="$ERFA_ROOT"
make install
ln -s "$PREFIX"/include/star/* "$PREFIX"/include
As with ERFA, this can be installed in Debian-based distros with the package aoflagger-dev
. Otherwise, installation instructions can be found here.
Once you've cloned cotter
and installed the dependencies, the rest is easy:
cd cotter
mkdir build
cd build
# Specifying LIBPAL_INCLUDE_DIR is necessary if LIBPAL header files are in a non-standard place.
cmake ../ -DLIBPAL_INCLUDE_DIR=/usr/local/include
make -j8
make install
If you have many libraries in non-standard places, then the following example of a cmake
command might be helpful:
cmake ../ \
An appropriate Dockerfile for creating a cotter
container is provided in Dockerfile in the repo. To build the image, run the following, it will create an image called cotter:latest.
docker build -t cotter:latest .
Alternatively you can pull the latest cotter from the mwatelescope DockerHub repository:
docker pull mwatelescope/cotter:latest
One way to launch the container is to use docker run, for example:
docker run --name my_cotter --volume=/path/to/host/data:/data --rm=true cotter:latest /bin/bash -c "cotter -allowmissing -initflag 4 -m /data/OBSID_metafits.fits -flagfiles /data/OBSID_%%.mwaf -o /path/inside/container/data/ /data/*gpubox*.fits"
If you find that cotter terminates unexpectedly or with "illegal instruction", you may be able to resolve this by:
FROM mwatelescope/aoflagger:3.0
to FROM your_aoflagger_image
, then rebuild the cotter image.docker pull mwatelescope/cotter:4.5
instead of building it yourself.docker pull mwatelescope/cotter