
By mwatelescope

Updated 4 months ago




Convenience Rust code that handles coordinate transformations, Jones matrices, etc.


  • Cargo version >= 1.65.0
$ cargo -V
cargo 1.65.0 (4bc8f24d3 2022-10-20)

Optional prerequisites

If using the mwalib feature (true by default):

  • cfitsio
    • Ubuntu: libcfitsio-dev
    • Arch: cfitsio
    • Library and include dirs can be specified manually with CFITSIO_LIB and CFITSIO_INC
    • If not specified, pkg-config is used to find the library.
    • Use --features=cfitsio-static to build the library automatically. Requires a C compiler and autoconf.

To link a system-provided static library, use e.g. CFITSIO_STATIC=1. To link all system-provided static libraries, use PKG_CONFIG_ALL_STATIC=1. To build all C libraries and link statically (currently only cfitsio), use the all-static feature.


This scientific work uses data obtained from the Murchison Radio-astronomy Observatory. We acknowledge the Wajarri Yamatji people as the traditional owners of the Observatory site.

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Docker Pull Command

docker pull mwatelescope/marlu