Demonstration pipeline for Murchison Widefield Array (MWA) data
flowchart TD;
classDef in fill:#2aa198;
classDef out fill:#d33682;
classDef file fill:#268bd2;
classDef proc fill:#b58900;
classDef decision fill:#cb4b16;
subgraph s01["01 TAP"]
mwaTap([ MWA TAP ]); class mwaTap in;
obsids[/" obsids.csv "/]; class obsids file;
mwaTap --> obsids;
subgraph s02["02 Download"]
mwaAsvo([ MWA ASVO]); class mwaAsvo in;
giant-squid[[ giant-squid ]]; class giant-squid proc;
raw[/ raw data /]; class raw file;
metafits[/ metafits /]; class metafits file;
obsids --> giant-squid --> mwaAsvo --> raw & metafits;
subgraph s03["03 MWALib"]
mwalib[[ MWALib]]; class mwalib proc;
mwalibOut[/ antennas and channels /]; class mwalibOut file;
%% channels[/ channels.csv/]; class channels file;
metafits --> mwalib --> mwalibOut;
subgraph s04["04 SSINS"]
ssins[[ SSINS]]; class ssins proc;
flags[/ flag plots/]; class flags file;
raw & metafits --> ssins --> flags;
s02 -.....->|raw| s05
subgraph s05["05 Preprocess"]
birli[[ Birli ]]; class birli proc;
prepUVFits[/ preprocessed uvfits /]; class prepUVFits file;
prepQA[[ prepQA]]; class prepQA proc;
prepQAJson[/ prepQA json /]; class prepQAJson file;
%% local copy of metafits and raw to simplify graph
metafits05[/ metafits /]; class metafits05 file;
raw05[/ raw data /]; class raw05 file;
metafits05 & raw05 --> birli --> prepUVFits;
metafits05 & prepUVFits --> prepQA --> prepQAJson;
subgraph s06["06 calibrate"]
hypCalSol[[ hyperdrive di-cal]]; class hypCalSol proc
calSol[/ cal solutions/]; class calSol file
prepUVFits[/ prep uvfits/]; class prepUVFits file
calQA[[ calQA]]; class calQA proc;
calQAJson[/" calqa.json "/]; class calQAJson file
plotSolutions[[ hyperdrive solutions-plot]]; class plotSolutions proc
plotSol[/" solution plots "/]; class plotSol file
hypApply[[ hyperdrive solutions-apply ]]; class hypApply proc
calMS[/ calibrated CASA Measurement Set /]; class calMS file
%% local copy of metafits to simplify graph
metafits06[/ metafits /]; class metafits06 file;
metafits06 --> hypCalSol
prepUVFits -----> hypCalSol --> calSol
metafits06 & calSol --> calQA --> calQAJson
metafits06 & calSol --> plotSolutions --> plotSol
calQAJson -.->|bad antennas| hypApply
calSol & prepUVFits --> hypApply --> calMS
subgraph s07["07 image"]
imgDConv[/" *-image.fits "/]; class imgDConv file
imgPB[/" *-image-pb.fits "/]; class imgPB file
wscleanDConv[[ wsclean ]]; class wscleanDConv proc
%% imgMetricsJson[/ img_metrics.json /]; class imgMetricsJson file
%% imgQA[[ imgQA ]]; class imgQA proc;
calMS --> wscleanDConv --> imgDConv & imgPB
%% --> imgQA --> imgMetricsJson
subgraph s08["08 postimage"]
bane[[ BANE ]]; class bane proc
imgPBRMS[/" *-image-pb_rms.fits "/]; class imgPBRMS file
imgPBBkg[/" *-image-pb_bkg.fits "/]; class imgPBBkg file
aegean[[ aegean ]]; class aegean proc
imgPBComp[/" *-image-pb_comp.fits "/]; class imgPBComp file
imgPB --> bane --> imgPBRMS & imgPBBkg
imgPBRMS & imgPBBkg --> aegean --> imgPBComp
This demo requires some software and data to be available on your machine.
Please read the setup instructions carefully.
Each workshop in the demo uses different data sets. You can refer to the start of the workshop instructions for how to download that data, or download it yourself with demo/
if you have an ASVO account.
This demo is made of modular components that can be completed independently.
Starting with nothing but some raw correlator files, you'll preprocess, calibrate and image Centaurus A in three MWA Configurations, exploring how uv-coverage impacts the point spread function and images.
We'll take a closer look at one of the observations from part 1 using SSINS to look for RFI, and explore some additional oddities in other data sets.
We'll explore the nuances of calibration.
docker pull mwatelescope/mwa-demo