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By neio

Updated about 1 month ago

PostgreSQL + PLV8 + ip4r extensions Included PostgreSQL 16, 15, 12

Databases & Storage


PostgreSQL 12, 15 and 16 with built-in extensions PLV8 and ip4r

Simply run the following command to run PostgreSQL 12 and 15 with PLV8 & ip4r . The initial user is "postgres" and the initial password is "testTEST1234".

docker run -d --name postgres -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=<your_initial_password> -p 5432:5432 neio/postgresql_plv8_ip4r

Lastest or Postgresql 16 support both Windows and Linux

Working on Linux

docker run -d --name pg16 --restart unless-stopped  -p 5432:5432 -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=<pwd> neio/postgresql_plv8_ip4r:16

Working on Windows 2019

docker run -d --name pg16 --restart unless-stopped -p 5432:5432 neio/postgresql_plv8_ip4r:16.4-windows2019

Older versions:

Postgresql 15

docker pull neio/postgresql_plv8_ip4r:15

postgresql 12

docker pull neio/postgresql_plv8_ip4r:12

Docker Pull Command

docker pull neio/postgresql_plv8_ip4r