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By Nektar++

Updated 20 days ago

Full Nektar++ installation using Debian 12 image.

Data Science
Languages & Frameworks


nektar image

This is an image containing all of the Nektar++ solvers, pre- and post-processing tools, and Python bindings for Nektar++. The code is compiled with virtually all options enabled, including HDF5, MPI and OpenCascade for mesh generation. Note that to limit this image's size, it does not contain developer headers or associated packages: for this you can instead use the nektarpp/nektar-dev image.

This image provides a full installation of Nektar++ with the following options enabled:


This image is based on either:

  • Debian 12 for latest;
  • Debian 11 for v5.5.0 and all prior tags.


The image is built using nektarpp/nektar-env or similar and requires as build context the path to the Nektar++ source tree. It supports several additional build arguments:

  • ENV_IMAGE is used to select the environment to build against. This is used by the CI to e.g. consistently build against the correct commits. By default this is set to nektarpp/nektar-env:default.
  • BUILD_DEMOS can be set to ON to build demos, which are disabled by default;
  • BUILD_SOLVERS can be set to OFF to disable build of solvers, which are enabled by default;
  • BUILD_ARGS can be set to ON to build doxygen documentation, which are enabled by default;
  • INSTALL_PREFIX can be set to adjust the install prefix, which is /usr/local by default.

Then build the image using a command similar to:

docker build -t nektarpp/nektar -f Dockerfile ~/nektar++

Note that this is a multi-stage build: after the initial build phase is completed, the build tree is erased along with development headers, and the libraries/executables installed into a fresh Debian 12 container (with appropriate packages for runtime libraries). If you want to keep the build files, you should instead only build up to the end of the build stage using --target build:

docker build --target build -t nektar-build -f Dockerfile ~/nektar++

About Nektar++

Nektar++ is an open-source framework, distributed under the MIT license, for the spectral/hp element method. These images contain useful environments for users and developers, and are built automatically with new tags, and commits to the main branch.

For more information on Nektar++, see our website and source code released on our GitLab instance.

Docker Pull Command

docker pull nektarpp/nektar