is a preconfigured instance, for Netin Systems, of MongoDB official image. This image is used in the different entity types of a NetinDS System: NetinDS Agents, NetinDS Server and NetinDS Standalone.
The service is offered at the port 28900
General container configuration
): Absolute address inside the container where the configuration JSON file is located.
"entityUUID": "Agent", // Equal to CONFIG_AGENT_ENTITY_UUID
"entity": "Agent", // Equal to CONFIG_AGENT_ENTITY
"serviceMode": "agent", // Equal to CONFIG_SERVICE_MODE
"agentMode": "agent", // Equal to CONFIG_AGENT_MODE @deprecated
"serverAddr": "", // Equal to CONFIG_SERVER_ADDR
"serverPort": "28800", // Equal to CONFIG_SERVER_PORT
"accessToken": " ", // Equal to CONFIG_ACCESS_TOKEN
"brokerURL": "tcp://", // Equal to CONFIG_BROKER_URL
"seedsFolder": "/opt/seeds", // Equal to CONFIG_SEEDS_FOLDER
Configuration can be used together using environment and file variables. In cases in which the same variable is configured in both ways, the configuration by file will prevail.
): unique identifier of the agent. For legacy compatibility this identifier must calculated according to the UUID V5 standard (RFC4122), where the seed value used is CONFIG_AGENT_ENTITY
and the namespace the following UUID '66b9e185-a38d-4c33-ab89-5921305db9a7'
. Please use a tool like: in order to calculate the correct UUID if your are using some legacy components. Only relevant when CONFIG_SERVICE_MODE
is configured as 'agent'
): Legacy identification of NetinDS entities.Only relevant when CONFIG_SERVICE_MODE
is configured as 'agent'
): operation mode of the NetinDS entity. Allowed values are: 'server'
, 'agent'
or 'standalone'
): IP address or name of the host where the NetinDS Server associated with this agent is located. Only relevant when CONFIG_SERVICE_MODE
is configured as 'agent'
): port where the agent management service is offered (NetinDS-Datasource). Only relevant when CONFIG_AGENT_MODE
is configured as 'agent'
default(' '
): Server access token. Only relevant when CONFIG_AGENT_MODE
is configured as 'agent'
): Connection url to NetinDS Server data broker.Only relevant when CONFIG_AGENT_MODE
is configured as 'agent'
): path where the data to be pre-loaded into the system at the time of configuration is located. Within the indicated path, the system will search for the following folders: templates
, locations
, addresses
, devices
and alarms
. The files with extension .json that are within these folders, will be uploaded within the corresponding collections.
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If you want to make a new contribution, create a new branch, respecting at all times the flow of versions established by GitFlow, make your modifications to it and request approval of the same by Pull Request, correctly filling in the template of the same.
Copyright 2021 Network Intelligence S.L. All rights reserved.
Note: All information contained herein is, and remains the property of Network Intelligence S.L. and its suppliers, if any. The intellectual and technical concepts contained herein are property of Network Intelligence S.L. and its suppliers and may be covered by European and Foreign patents, patents in process, and are protected by trade secret or copyright. Dissemination of this information or the reproduction of this material is strictly forbidden unless prior written permission is obtained from Network Intelligence.
docker pull netinsystems/netin-ds-db