Example How-To Add Static Pages to Nginx
Dockerfiles can be found at nerdalert/Dockerfiles
Test your Docker install, demo docker or pop some popcorn and watch an ASCII remaster of Star Wars :p
docker run -it --rm networkstatic/star_wars
Use ctrl^c to break the movie session.
Nmap is a perenial favorite for security fuzzing.
A couple of example usages:
nmap --help
to view port scanning options.docker run -it --rm networkstatic/nmap --help
docker run -it --rm networkstatic/nmap -sT -p 22
This is an example of a simple change to the static Nginx index.html page. Replace the default index.html with some funs ascii art.
docker run -it --rm -p 8080:80 networkstatic/nginx_kittah
Fping for network testing. It's ping on steroids.
docker run -it --rm networkstatic/fping -help
For fun testing
docker run -it --rm networkstatic/nyan_cat
I help maintain a curated list of networking related Dockerized tools at
docker pull networkstatic/nginx_kittah