Proxy for connecting tokenized web services
This project allows the access to private HTTP web services for users holding a valid Nevermined access token. This access token is generated by Nevermined platform when users demonstrate they are NFT holders. The proxy is a web2 component that protect access to web2 web services using subscription NFTs as access control mechanism.
More details in this blog post:
The proxy implementation combines with Nevermined providing the final piece to answer the following questions:
You can find the technical details at the architecture documentation of the proxy, or in the user flows documentation.
The proxy uses the following environment variables:
- The host used by the Oauth Server. By default and the recommended configuration is to use
so only the proxy process (NGINX) can connect to the local OAuth introspection server.SERVER_PORT
- The port used by the OAuth server. By default is 4000
. This port in normal configurations will be internal so won't be exposed and only will be accesible by the proxy process.JWT_SECRET_PHRASE
- Shared secret between a Node instance and the Proxy. This secret phrase will be used to encrypt JWT messages by the Node and decrypt by the Proxy.The OAuth Server accepts the following environment variables:
- The host or address the OAuth server will be listen. By default
but if you need to configure from out of the server/pod it can be
- Port the OAuth server will be listening. It is 4000
- Shared secret between a Node instance and the Proxy. This secret phrase will be used to encrypt JWT messages by the Node and decrypt by the ProxyBACKEND_API_URI
- The URL of the Nevermined Backend APIPROXY_AUTH_TOKEN
- The token to be used to authenticate the requests going to the Nevermined backend coming from the Proxy (Query Protocol)The NGINX container accepts the following environment variables:
- The url to call to perform the OAuth introspection. It is the URL to the OAuth server. By default
The project has 3 Docker containers:
- It bundles the NGINX and OAuth server in the same imageneverminedio/proxy:nginx-latest
- NGINXneverminedio/proxy:oauth-latest
- The OAuth serverYou can build it locally too and run it:
docker build . -t nginx-proxy
docker run -v $(pwd)/conf/certs:/ssl/certs -p 443:443 -p 3128:3128 -e "INTROSPECTION_URL=" nginx-proxy
It requires a NGNIX proxy with auth_request
and njs
apt install nginx-module-njs
Configure the NGINX conf files from the conf/nginx
folder. And configure the SSL certificates. You have some info about how to do it in the Dockerfile
# Install dependencies and compile
yarn build
# Start the web service
yarn run start:web-service
# Start the Oauth introspection server
yarn run start:oauth-server
# Start NGINX
sudo service nginx restart
# NGINX logs are available here
sudo tail -f /var/log/nginx/*.log
# Go to the SDK-JS and run
yarn run integration:external
# If we want to see this working using curl, copyt the Access Token from the previous test and export as `NVM_TOKEN` env var
export NVM_TOKEN="eyJhbGciOiJkaXIiLCJlbmMiOiJBMTI4Q0JDLUhTMjU2In0..hI4CMYSs0tqFYdof4hFiUw.2jK41Lgpua6XKZtFvqwjQS3gJDbSs0DVDMNnSW55NVOKVqQqBA1RE2InYpUY3aVJsqdsQ1nT5KpNH-MfwCyk85paoMSTiuHOW1t0bN8dB7PwyMkM5Ubf-8bg3q3rIEpDT7QtQ2M7YbP1t3HL8jhJZDStJ_2AYnumUvCVmKDtPUe_FmVdPcW66ta-d3YWKXkwKN1Ajrdnlsav58f-u6wE-qck_UtzqMpOI1ePmK3I-FBTYtSnpyUZrQu3XOXV2TR23kKaUtclhSdtHSMQHug__5Oe2Ibo3QI0AauThAHD6q98BL3iZn9fH2aCsUP2uFifRc0kC2PrWCz1F1upmaKWg2oJ9Yh9YADA95mcOjH_KSM.7tYdcSQ-AS9zdROBRUOh1g"
# Make a HTTP request to the webservice using NGINX as proxy
curl -vvv -k --proxy-insecure -X GET --proxy -H "Authorization: Bearer $NVM_TOKEN"
Hello World!
# Making a request directly to the endpoint should fail
curl -X GET
Assuming we have NGINX already running from the previous demo:
## We need this 2 if we want to use the SDK test
export PROXY_URL=""
export REQUEST_DATA='{"model": "text-davinci-003", "prompt": "Say this is a test", "temperature": 0, "max_tokens": 7}'
We go to the sdk-js and run the integration test
cd sdk-js
yarn run integration:external
200 - {"id":"cmpl-6kbaUQIZFe6iamppJLEHtx5j7r0xS","object":"text_completion","created":1676565594,"model":"text-davinci-003","choices":[{"text":"\n\nThis is indeed a test","index":0,"logprobs":null,"finish_reason":"length"}],"usage":{"prompt_tokens":5,"completion_tokens":7,"total_tokens":12}}
We can also see this working with curl, copy the "Access Token" from the previous test and run:
export NVM_TOKEN="eyJhbGciOiJkaXIiLCJlbmMiOiJBMTI4Q0JDLUhTMjU2In0..1LYqALYanLBQPmsMvPP0ug.For0wiUUMVUAxB6vvhhSjCjSucfb8dgf5pz3v-YJPxiDZ5QMr7oB5ShSUh9OErlDShmqumd-rWRcqfXuns7R6FvDMC457jTZe6P2YyFZ_rsU3TLBiv6cyF7Br3B-wshZIaG_MiKoCZqZQJXtIbZhIx4TXdtJc7yKLSRkMP_-kSMROLKlrKuwWuLow6_5G-aOyqJkU0CdZJ-iEY42eh4L0YYALZ3LZlDII-Wv45pPm6Yki3DcgCYfpZ7zSEHJpoSXm3wCB4FJ7enKPxQ02ViRMwwJldvQzrPO2XMbGAmg7OVxMN2iI6PaenUQSO76toX04cgsEnEimKUOifY0Gl_MBBFr4R0AAoCdCW7Jxxq0VBsy1H8qVRb29rR2Ql2IRmOX.1ZN258dHRBHZewKNDhwFbQ"
curl -k -v -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer $NVM_TOKEN" -d "$REQUEST_DATA" -H "Host:"
{"id":"cmpl-6kc2PI82Y2OzdvOoqNDH00m6DrXDn","object":"text_completion","created":1676567325,"model":"text-davinci-003","choices":[{"text":"\n\nThis is indeed a test","index":0,"logprobs":null,"finish_reason":"length"}],"usage":{"prompt_tokens":5,"completion_tokens":7,"total_tokens":12}}
The credits burner is a process that runs in the background and it is responsible to burn the credits of the users that are using the proxy. It is a NodeJS process that uses the Nevermined SDK to interact with the Nevermined contracts.
The burner uses the following environment variables:
- The host of the PostgreSQL database where the upstream logs generated by the proxy are storedPG_PORT
- The port of the PostgreSQL databasePG_USER
- The user of the PostgreSQL databasePG_PASSWORD
- The password of the PostgreSQL databasePG_DB
- The database nameARTIFACTS
- The path where the Nevermined contracts artifacts can be found. If not given it will be the artifacts
folder in the root path of the project.WEB3_PROVIDER_URL
- The URL of the Ethereum nodeMARKETPLACE_API_URL
- The URL of the Nevermined Marketplace APIBACKEND_API_URI
- The URL of the Nevermined Backend APIBACKEND_AUTH_TOKEN
- The token to authenticate with the Nevermined Backend API (requires to have Admin permissions)NVM_NODE_URL
- The URL of the Nevermined NodeNODE_ADDRESS
- The Ethereum address of the Nevermined NodeNETWORK_ID
- The Ethereum network idNETWORK_NAME
- The Ethereum network nameCONTRACTS_VERSION
- The version of the Nevermined contractsCONTRACTS_TAG
- The tag of the Nevermined contractsVERBOSE
- If true
the process runs in verbose modeMAX_RETRIES
- Number of retries the process will do try to burn the creditsSLEEP_DURATION
- Number of milliseconds the process will sleep between executions (default: 5000 ms)Related with the account used to interact with the Smart Contracts:
- The mnemonic of the account to be used to interact with the Smart Contracts
- The path to the account keyfileKEYFILE_PASSWORD
- The password of the account keyfiledocker pull neverminedio/burner