
By neverminedio

Updated 3 months ago

Nevermined burner




Nevermined Proxy

Proxy for connecting tokenized web services

Table of Contents


This project allows the access to private HTTP web services for users holding a valid Nevermined access token. This access token is generated by Nevermined platform when users demonstrate they are NFT holders. The proxy is a web2 component that protect access to web2 web services using subscription NFTs as access control mechanism.

More details in this blog post:

The proxy implementation combines with Nevermined providing the final piece to answer the following questions:

  • How can we gate-keep internal and/or external web services?
  • How can we provide access to these services using NFT susbcriptions?
  • What are the flows that need to be supported?
  • What is the architecture of the solution?

You can find the technical details at the architecture documentation of the proxy, or in the user flows documentation.

How to run the Proxy

Environment variables

The proxy uses the following environment variables:

  • SERVER_HOST - The host used by the Oauth Server. By default and the recommended configuration is to use so only the proxy process (NGINX) can connect to the local OAuth introspection server.
  • SERVER_PORT - The port used by the OAuth server. By default is 4000. This port in normal configurations will be internal so won't be exposed and only will be accesible by the proxy process.
  • JWT_SECRET_PHRASE - Shared secret between a Node instance and the Proxy. This secret phrase will be used to encrypt JWT messages by the Node and decrypt by the Proxy.
Running the NGINX Proxy via Docker

The OAuth Server accepts the following environment variables:

  • SERVER_HOST - The host or address the OAuth server will be listen. By default but if you need to configure from out of the server/pod it can be
  • SERVER_PORT - Port the OAuth server will be listening. It is 4000 by default
  • JWT_SECRET_PHRASE - Shared secret between a Node instance and the Proxy. This secret phrase will be used to encrypt JWT messages by the Node and decrypt by the Proxy
  • BACKEND_API_URI - The URL of the Nevermined Backend API
  • PROXY_AUTH_TOKEN - The token to be used to authenticate the requests going to the Nevermined backend coming from the Proxy (Query Protocol)

The NGINX container accepts the following environment variables:

  • INTROSPECTION_URL - The url to call to perform the OAuth introspection. It is the URL to the OAuth server. By default

The project has 3 Docker containers:

  • nevermined-io/proxy:latest - It bundles the NGINX and OAuth server in the same image
  • neverminedio/proxy:nginx-latest - NGINX
  • neverminedio/proxy:oauth-latest - The OAuth server

You can build it locally too and run it:

docker build . -t nginx-proxy
docker run -v $(pwd)/conf/certs:/ssl/certs -p 443:443 -p 3128:3128  -e "INTROSPECTION_URL=" nginx-proxy


Demo using a standalone NGNIX

It requires a NGNIX proxy with auth_request and njs modules

apt install nginx-module-njs

Configure the NGINX conf files from the conf/nginx folder. And configure the SSL certificates. You have some info about how to do it in the Dockerfile.

# Install dependencies and compile
yarn build

# Start the web service
yarn run start:web-service

# Start the Oauth introspection server
yarn run start:oauth-server

# Start NGINX
sudo service nginx restart

# NGINX logs are available here
sudo tail -f /var/log/nginx/*.log

# Go to the SDK-JS and run
yarn run integration:external

# If we want to see this working using curl, copyt the Access Token from the previous test and export as `NVM_TOKEN` env var
export NVM_TOKEN="eyJhbGciOiJkaXIiLCJlbmMiOiJBMTI4Q0JDLUhTMjU2In0..hI4CMYSs0tqFYdof4hFiUw.2jK41Lgpua6XKZtFvqwjQS3gJDbSs0DVDMNnSW55NVOKVqQqBA1RE2InYpUY3aVJsqdsQ1nT5KpNH-MfwCyk85paoMSTiuHOW1t0bN8dB7PwyMkM5Ubf-8bg3q3rIEpDT7QtQ2M7YbP1t3HL8jhJZDStJ_2AYnumUvCVmKDtPUe_FmVdPcW66ta-d3YWKXkwKN1Ajrdnlsav58f-u6wE-qck_UtzqMpOI1ePmK3I-FBTYtSnpyUZrQu3XOXV2TR23kKaUtclhSdtHSMQHug__5Oe2Ibo3QI0AauThAHD6q98BL3iZn9fH2aCsUP2uFifRc0kC2PrWCz1F1upmaKWg2oJ9Yh9YADA95mcOjH_KSM.7tYdcSQ-AS9zdROBRUOh1g"

# Make a HTTP request to the webservice using NGINX as proxy
curl -vvv -k --proxy-insecure -X GET --proxy -H "Authorization: Bearer $NVM_TOKEN"
Hello World!

# Making a request directly to the endpoint should fail
curl -X GET

OpenAI API demo

Assuming we have NGINX already running from the previous demo:


## We need this 2 if we want to use the SDK test

export PROXY_URL=""
export REQUEST_DATA='{"model": "text-davinci-003", "prompt": "Say this is a test", "temperature": 0, "max_tokens": 7}'

We go to the sdk-js and run the integration test

cd sdk-js
yarn run integration:external

 200 - {"id":"cmpl-6kbaUQIZFe6iamppJLEHtx5j7r0xS","object":"text_completion","created":1676565594,"model":"text-davinci-003","choices":[{"text":"\n\nThis is indeed a test","index":0,"logprobs":null,"finish_reason":"length"}],"usage":{"prompt_tokens":5,"completion_tokens":7,"total_tokens":12}}

We can also see this working with curl, copy the "Access Token" from the previous test and run:

export NVM_TOKEN="eyJhbGciOiJkaXIiLCJlbmMiOiJBMTI4Q0JDLUhTMjU2In0..1LYqALYanLBQPmsMvPP0ug.For0wiUUMVUAxB6vvhhSjCjSucfb8dgf5pz3v-YJPxiDZ5QMr7oB5ShSUh9OErlDShmqumd-rWRcqfXuns7R6FvDMC457jTZe6P2YyFZ_rsU3TLBiv6cyF7Br3B-wshZIaG_MiKoCZqZQJXtIbZhIx4TXdtJc7yKLSRkMP_-kSMROLKlrKuwWuLow6_5G-aOyqJkU0CdZJ-iEY42eh4L0YYALZ3LZlDII-Wv45pPm6Yki3DcgCYfpZ7zSEHJpoSXm3wCB4FJ7enKPxQ02ViRMwwJldvQzrPO2XMbGAmg7OVxMN2iI6PaenUQSO76toX04cgsEnEimKUOifY0Gl_MBBFr4R0AAoCdCW7Jxxq0VBsy1H8qVRb29rR2Ql2IRmOX.1ZN258dHRBHZewKNDhwFbQ"

curl -k -v -H "Content-Type: application/json"  -H "Authorization: Bearer $NVM_TOKEN" -d "$REQUEST_DATA" -H "Host:"

{"id":"cmpl-6kc2PI82Y2OzdvOoqNDH00m6DrXDn","object":"text_completion","created":1676567325,"model":"text-davinci-003","choices":[{"text":"\n\nThis is indeed a test","index":0,"logprobs":null,"finish_reason":"length"}],"usage":{"prompt_tokens":5,"completion_tokens":7,"total_tokens":12}}


How to run the Credits Burner

The credits burner is a process that runs in the background and it is responsible to burn the credits of the users that are using the proxy. It is a NodeJS process that uses the Nevermined SDK to interact with the Nevermined contracts.

The burner uses the following environment variables:

  • PG_HOST - The host of the PostgreSQL database where the upstream logs generated by the proxy are stored
  • PG_PORT - The port of the PostgreSQL database
  • PG_USER - The user of the PostgreSQL database
  • PG_PASSWORD - The password of the PostgreSQL database
  • PG_DB - The database name
  • ARTIFACTS - The path where the Nevermined contracts artifacts can be found. If not given it will be the artifacts folder in the root path of the project.
  • WEB3_PROVIDER_URL - The URL of the Ethereum node
  • MARKETPLACE_API_URL - The URL of the Nevermined Marketplace API
  • BACKEND_API_URI - The URL of the Nevermined Backend API
  • BACKEND_AUTH_TOKEN - The token to authenticate with the Nevermined Backend API (requires to have Admin permissions)
  • NVM_NODE_URL - The URL of the Nevermined Node
  • NODE_ADDRESS - The Ethereum address of the Nevermined Node
  • NETWORK_ID - The Ethereum network id
  • NETWORK_NAME - The Ethereum network name
  • CONTRACTS_VERSION - The version of the Nevermined contracts
  • CONTRACTS_TAG - The tag of the Nevermined contracts
  • VERBOSE - If true the process runs in verbose mode
  • MAX_RETRIES - Number of retries the process will do try to burn the credits
  • SLEEP_DURATION - Number of milliseconds the process will sleep between executions (default: 5000 ms)

Related with the account used to interact with the Smart Contracts:

  • SEED_PHRASE - The mnemonic of the account to be used to interact with the Smart Contracts OR:
  • KEYFILE_PATH - The path to the account keyfile
  • KEYFILE_PASSWORD - The password of the account keyfile

External references

Docker Pull Command

docker pull neverminedio/burner