
By nextisp

Updated 3 months ago

Freeradius postgres

Content Management System
Databases & Storage


This is an alpine-based instance that includes:

  • Freeradius
  • Postgres

The database connection configuration is ready, just plug and play in your application. (Database setup required)

You can access the postgres database via port 5432 by default with the credentials you setup in step 2.

Step 1: You can launch the instance using

docker run\
--name radius\
-v ./data/postgres:/var/lib/postgresql/data:rw \
-v ./data/radius:/opt/etc/raddb:rw \
-p 1812:1812\
-p 1813:1813\
-p 5432:5432\
-d nextisp/radius

Step 2: To install the database, you can use the following command and follow the steps:

docker exec -it radius sh -c "/install_db"

Docker Pull Command

docker pull nextisp/radius