
By nicolasalbert

Updated over 4 years ago

Auto forward emails from Gmail. More



GMAIL Forwarder

This project allow to automatically forward emails that arrive in a particular GMAIL IMAP folder to a list of recipients. Motivation: allow to transfer email without configuring the email forward feature of GMAIL and also works for email created by API (not the case for the GMAIL forward feature).

DOCKER usage

The configuration comes from environment variables, no configuration file needed.

docker run --name gmail-forwarder -d -e USERNAME=gmailaccount -e PASSWORD=gmailpassword -e nicolasalbert/gmail-forwarder

GRADLE usage

Same as DOCKER, configuration is read from environment variables. Once done, via your shell or a script, just launch the application.

gradlew run


Here the list of environment variable used:

  • USERNAME: mandatory GMAIL account that receive emails
  • PASSWORD: mandatory GMAIL account's password or access key
  • TO: mandatory recipient email (use , to set many)
  • FOLDER: folder to watch for new email, default is the Inbox
  • SENDER: if the sender of an email matches (find) this regular expression, the email can be forwarded
  • SUBJECT: if the subject of an email matches (find) this regular expression, the email can be forwarded

Docker Pull Command

docker pull nicolasalbert/gmail-forwarder