This container are a minimal container with jq installed. Used för remote script where jq is not avaliable or you can't install it localy
Using this container as the jq command, using the -rm throws the container when used
docker inspect container | docker run -i --rm nimmis/jq .[0]
To make it more convinient you can define an alias
alias jq='docker run -i --rm nimmis/jq'
Makes commands easy
docker inspect nimmis/jq | jq .[0].Config.Labels
"maintainer": "nimmis <>",
"": "2017-01-29T20:40:38Z",
"org.label-schema.docker.dockerfile": "/Dockerfile",
"": "jq bundled in a container",
"org.label-schema.url": "",
"org.label-schema.vcs-ref": "28dac05",
"org.label-schema.vcs-url": ""
docker pull nimmis/jq