You first need to install Docker from https://docs.docker.com/desktop/.
Then log into docker hub using the credentials called Docker local password (devopsatoctopus) in lastpass:
docker login
Then run the offline version of Octofront with the following command. The string GetThisFromLastPass is replaced with the API key from the credentials called Storyblok API Token - Dev in lastpass:
docker run -p 44339:44339 -p 1433:1433 -e octofront__contentManagement__storyblokToken=GetThisFromLastPass octopusdeploy/octofront
Then, inside your local copy of the blogs repo checked out from https://github.com/OctopusDeploy/blog, run DocSync.
This is the Powershell command:
docker run -v "$(PWD):/blog" -e 'octofront__database=Server=host.docker.internal,1433;Database=Octofront;User Id=SA;Password=Password01!;Trust Server Certificate=True;' octopusdeploy/docsync --skipImages -r /blog --sync
This is the Linux/macOS command:
docker run -v "${PWD}:/blog" -e 'octofront__database=Server=,1433;Database=Octofront;User Id=SA;Password=Password01!;Trust Server Certificate=True;' octopusdeploy/docsync --skipImages -r /blog --sync
You can then open https://localhost:44339/blog to see your changes locally.
docker pull octopusdeploy/docsync