A docker wrapped version of the popular Octopus CLI tool
A docker wrapped version of the popular Octopus CLI, octo
Images are currently available for
Arguments passed to the container will be passed directly to the octo
tool internally. For the full list of commands and parameters read our docs.
>$ docker run --rm octopusdeploy/octo help
Usage: octo <command> [<options>]
Where <command> is one of:
Cleans all Offline Machines from an Environment
Print Version
>$ docker run --rm octopusdeploy/octo version
Packing and pushing requires providing a volume mount so that the container process is able to access the required files. Internally, the working directory is set to /src
so the simplest approach is to mount this point to the current working directory, and then pass the command arguments relative to this location.
>$ docker run --rm -v $(pwd):/src octopusdeploy/octo pack --id=AcmeWeb --version=3.1.4 --basePath=WebApp --overwrite
Packing AcmeWeb version "3.1.4"...
Saving "AcmeWeb.3.1.4.nupkg" to "/src"...
(When running on windows, replace the file mount $(pwd):/src
with "$(Convert-Path .):C:\src"
>$ docker run --rm -v $(pwd):/src octopusdeploy/octo push --package AcmeWeb.3.1.4.nupkg --replace-existing --server https://myoctopus.acme.com --apiKey $env:apikey
Octopus Deploy Command Line Tool, version 4.31.1
Handshaking with Octopus server: https://myoctopus.acme.com
Handshake successful. Octopus version: 2018.4.0; API version: 3.0.0
Authenticated as: steve
Pushing package: /src/AcmeWeb.3.1.4.nupkg...
Push successful
if using Linux you can add the following function to ~/.bashrc
to interact with the tool like a normal command. All parameters that refer to the filesystem (pack
) can then just be referenced by relative path from the cwd.
echo 'function octo(){ sudo docker run --rm -v $(pwd):/src octopusdeploy/octo "$@" ;}' >> ~/.bashrc
source ~/.bashrc
octo pack --id=Acme --version=3.1.4 --basePath=OctopusDocker
Copyright (c) Octopus Deploy and contributors. All rights reserved.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use these files except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
docker pull octopusdeploy/octo