Shibboleth Discovery Service 1.2.1, running in Apache Tomcat version 8 and Oracle JDK version 8
An Alpine Linux based implementation of the Shibboleth Discovery Service, version 1.2.1, running inside Apache Tomcat version 8, in turn running in Oracle JDK version 8.
Maintained by the Open Justice Broker Consortium GitHub: https://github.com/ojbc/docker Dockerfile: https://github.com/ojbc/docker/blob/master/samlds/Dockerfile
For more on Shibboleth DS, see: https://wiki.shibboleth.net/confluence/display/SHIB2/DiscoveryService.
The image does not expose any ports by default, as the OJBC standard approach is to use Weave (https://github.com/weaveworks/weave). If you want to expose ports, just extend the image and add an EXPOSE directive. Tomcat runs on the standard http ports (80 and 443).
The discovery service is configured with the default "demostate" federation SAML metadata, which includes one IDP running at idp.ojbc.local. See ojbc/idp.
docker pull ojbc/samlds