
By onenashev

Updated over 7 years ago

This is a sample Docker image for Jenkins Javadoc Site



Building image

Build command:

docker build -t jenkinsinfra/javadoc-dev --build-arg LTS_RELEASES=2.60 --build-arg PLUGINS="git git-client github" .

Optional arguments:

  • LTS_RELEASES - list of LTS releases to be published ** Example: "2.46 2.60" ** Default: all LTS lines returned by link:[Jenkins Artifactory] ** Javadoc for the latest weekly will be published anyway
  • PLUGINS - list of plugins to be published ** Example: "git github git-client" ** Default: all plugins by the default Jenkins update site
Running image

Run command:

docker run --rm -p 8080:80 jenkinsinfra/javadoc-dev

After starting the image the update site will be available at DOCKER_HOST:8080, so you will be able to browse the contents similarly tolink:[Jenkins Javadoc].

Docker Pull Command

docker pull onenashev/jenkins-javadoc-dev