
By oowy

Updated 3 days ago

Kops Docker image base on Alpine linux, for efficient container management.

Developer Tools


Quick reference

Supported tags

  • latest

Quick reference (cont.)

  • Supported architectures: amd64, arm64v8

What is Kops?

We like to think of it as kubectl for clusters.

kops will not only help you create, destroy, upgrade and maintain production-grade, highly available, Kubernetes cluster, but it will also provision the necessary cloud infrastructure.

AWS (Amazon Web Services) and GCE (Google Cloud Platform) are currently officially supported, with DigitalOcean, Hetzner and OpenStack in beta support, and Azure in alpha.

Kops Docker Images

The team publishes a Docker image to this repository for each official release of Kops.

These images wrap the kops executable, allowing you to run kops subcommands by passing in their names and arguments as part of docker run.


You will likely need to further configure your container so that Kops can access your configuration files and provider credentials. This could include mounting your configuration into the container, setting the working directory to refer to your configuration, and passing in environment variables and credentials files for the providers you intend to use. The docker run documentation lists the options you can use to customize the container environment.

You could also use these images as a base for your own images. For example, this would be helpful if you wanted to to pre-set CLI Configuration settings as part of your image.


Open issues about Kops binary on the main Kops repository.

Docker Pull Command

docker pull oowy/kops