
By openkbs

Updated over 7 years ago






Pull the image from Docker Repository

docker pull openkbs/cassandra

Login password (from jupyter screen)

Token authentication is enabled. You need to open the notebook server with its first-time login token in the URL, or enable a password in order to gain access. The command:

jupyter notebook list

will show you the URLs of running servers with their tokens, which you can copy and paste into your browser. For example:

Currently running servers:
http://localhost:8888/?token=c8de56fa... :: /Users/you/notebooks

Or you can paste just the token value into the password field on this page.

Cookies are required for authenticated access to notebooks.

Connect to cassandra Docker

host/port=> login/passwd=> (see above)

Base the image to build add-on components

FROM openkbs/cassandra

Run the image

Then, you're ready to run:

  • make sure you create your work directory, e.g., ./data
mkdir ./data
docker run -d --name my-cassandra -p 18888:8888 openkbs/cassandra

Build and Run your own image

Say, you will build the image "my/cassandra".

docker build -t my/cassandra .

To run your own image, say, with some-cassandra:

mkdir ./data
docker run -d --name some-cassandra -p 18888:88882 my/cassandra

Shell into the Docker instance

docker exec -it some-cassandra /bin/bash

Docker Pull Command

docker pull openkbs/cassandra