
By openkbs

Updated over 3 years ago

KNIME Analytics Platform in Docker with VNC for Kubernetes, Openshift Container Cloud Platforms



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KNIME (latest/4.4.0 + Java 8 OpenJDK + Maven 3.6 + Python 3.6 + PIP3 20 + + npm 7 + node 15 + Gradle 6 + noVNC

KNIME Analytics Platform with VNC/noVNC for Container Cluster Platforms (Openshift, Kubernetes, etc.)

Just a suggestion: If you need Python Jupyter (loaded with Tensorflow) Docker besides KNIME, you may want to check out:

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Run (recommended for easy-start)

Image is pulled from openkbs/knime-vnc-docker


Mobile devices and Desktop PC supported / tested:

  • SmartPhones: tested ok! iPhone5 Safari works though phone screen size being too small vs the desired HD 1920x1080. It should work across all the smartphones with HTML5-capable brwosers. Hence, to access with small phone screen, run with VNC_RESOLUTION=800x600 (or adjust it to fit your phone's screen size).
  • Tablets: tested ok! Amazon Fire with noVNC works!. It should work across all the tablets with HTML5-capable brwosers. See KNIME Analytics with Amazon Fire tablet
  • Desktop PC or MacBook: tested ok! It should work across all PCs Desktop with HTML5-capable brwosers. See KNIME Analytics on Desktop PC Browser

Connect to VNC Viewer/Client or noVNC (Browser-based VNC)

Once it is up, the default password is "vncpassword" to access with your web browser:

=> Standalone Docker: http://localhost:6901/vnc.html
=> Openshift Container Platform: http://<route-from-openshift>/vnc.html
=> Kubernetes Container Platform: (similar to the Openshift above!)

Run - Override VNC environment variables

The following VNC environment variables can be overwritten at the docker run phase to customize your desktop environment inside the container. You can change those variables using configurations CLI or Web-GUI with OpenShift, Kubernetes, DC/OS, etc.

VNC_COL_DEPTH, default is 24 , e.g., change to 16,
    -e VNC_COL_DEPTH=16
VNC_RESOLUTION, default: 1920x1080 , e.g., change to 1024x800
    -e VNC_RESOLUTION=1280x1024
VNC_PW, default: vncpassword , e.g., change to MySpecial!(Password%)
    -e VNC_PW=MySpecial!(Password%)

Screen (Desktop) Resolution

Two ways to change Screen resolutions as below:

1.) Modify ./ file
2.) Customize Openshift or Kubernetes container run envionrment
Set up, say, VNC_RESOLUTION with value 1920x1280


You can build your own image locally.



VNC/noVNC Resources

See also VNC/noVNC docker-based IDE or Analytics Platform

See Also - docker-based IDE

Eclipse issues

  • You might see WARNING message in the log from Eclipse for class not found. It has no impact in VNC or the KNIME tools. However, it might needs to be fixed by KNIME product team. We will not address here it for now.
WARNING: Aries Blueprint packages not available. So namespaces will not be registered
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/aries/blueprint/NamespaceHandler

Releases information

See Release information

Docker Pull Command

docker pull openkbs/knime-vnc-docker