
By openkbs

Updated about 7 years ago

ScalaIDE Docker over Oracle Java 8, Maven 3.5.0, Python 3.6.2 with X11 socket to display IDE



Docker-based Eclipse Scala-IDE

  • Eclipse Scala IDE in a Docker container
  • Eclipse 4.7.1 (Oxygen)
  • Scala IDE 4.7.0
  • Scala 2.12, 2.11
  • (option) Docker containers installed Scala 2.12.3 for Docker shell to use


  • Docker 1.13.1+ or Docker CE 17.05.0-ce above.
  • An X11 socket on the host: mostly, your CentOS or Ubuntu host already has it - you don't have do anything!)





Making plugins persist between sessions

Scala plugins are kept on $HOME/.scala-ide-docker inside the container, so if you want to keep them around after you close it, you'll need to share it with your host.

For example:

docker run -ti --rm \
           -e DISPLAY=$DISPLAY \
           -v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix \
           -v `pwd`/.scala-ide-docker:/home/developer/.scala-ide-docker \
           -v `pwd`:/home/developer/workspace \

Help! I started the container but I don't see the Eclispe screen

You might have an issue with the X11 socket permissions since the default user used by the base image has an user and group ids set to 1000, two options:

  • Create your own base image with the appropriate ids or
  • Or, at the host, run
`xhost +`

Then, try again.

Other docker-based IDE


Docker Pull Command

docker pull openkbs/scala-ide-docker