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By openlegacy

Updated almost 4 years ago



What is OpenLegacy

OpenLegacy's Digital-Driven Integration enables organizations with legacy systems to release new digital services faster and easier than ever before. Connecting directly to even the most complex core systems, OpenLegacy automatically generates the digital-ready components needed to integrate legacy assets into new exciting innovations. With OpenLegacy, industry-leading companies release new apps, features, and updates while spending a fraction of the time and resources, so they quickly and easily become digital to the core.

More information can be found at:

What is this image

This image contains an OpenLegacy no-code application that allows simple configuration-based integration to Oracle DB.

How to use this image

Start the application

$ docker run --name some-oracle -d -v /temp/config/config.json:/app/config/config.json -p 8080:8080 openlegacy/oracle

Configuration can be provided via volumes like the example above or by adding config.json as an environment variable.


  • Port: 8080
  • OpenAPI endpoint: /openapi/openapi.yml
  • Swagger UI endpoint: /openapi
  "source-provider": {
    "type": "HUB",
    "hub": {
      "project-name": "my-project",
      "api-key": "..."

License is required to run this image. For HUB users the license is fetched automatically on startup.

License can also be supplied in the json configuration:

  "license": "..."

Docker Pull Command

docker pull openlegacy/oracle