
By openlink

Updated 4 months ago

OpenLink Virtuoso Open Source Edition v7.2, provided by OpenLink Software

Databases & Storage


OpenLink Virtuoso Open Source Edition 7.2 Docker Image

Copyright © 2019–2025 OpenLink Software

Please note that only Docker Containers in repository/docker/openlink/ are direct from OpenLink Software. We recommend using these container images unless you need a specific feature provided by an edited clone, in which case we also recommend letting us know about this need and its satisfaction, so we can ensure you have the best experience with Virtuoso.

Feedback & Support

Please report any issues to the OpenLink Community Forum or on the Virtuoso Open Source project.

If covered by a Support Contract, you can also create a Support Case through the OpenLink Support Site.

QuickStart Guide

Downloading the image

To pull the latest Virtuoso 7.2 docker image to your local system, you can use the following command:

$ docker pull openlink/virtuoso-opensource-7

To check the version of the Virtuoso binary, you can use the following command:

$ docker run openlink/virtuoso-opensource-7 version


This Docker image is using the following version of Virtuoso:

Virtuoso Open Source Edition (Column Store) (multi threaded)
Version as of Jun 10 2024 (a1fd8195b)
Compiled for Linux (x86_64-ubuntu_focal-linux-gnu)
Copyright (C) 1998-2024 OpenLink Software
Creating a sample Virtuoso instance

Here is a quick example of how to create a new virtuoso instance on your system:

$ mkdir my_virtdb
$ cd my_virtdb
$ docker run \
    --name my_virtdb \
    --interactive \
    --tty \
    --env DBA_PASSWORD=mysecret \
    --publish 1111:1111 \
    --publish  8890:8890 \
    --volume `pwd`:/database \

This will create a new Virtuoso database in the my_virtdb subdirectory and starts a Virtuoso instance with the HTTP server listening on port 8890 and the ODBC / JDBC / ADO.Net / OLE-DB / ISQL data server listening on port 1111.

The docker image in running in foreground (with -i or --interactive) mode, so you can see what it is doing.

You should now be able to contact the Virtuoso HTTP server using the following URL:


You can shut down Virtuoso by pressing the CTRL and C buttons in that terminal session.


When a new database is created, the docker image will use the Environment settings DBA_PASSWORD and DAV_PASSWORD to set passwords for the dba and dav user accounts.

If the DBA_PASSWORDEnvironment variable is not set, a random password will be assigned to the dba user account, and stored on the internal docker filesystem as /settings/dba_password.

If the DAV_PASSWORDEnvironment variable is not set, it will be set to the DBA_PASSWORD and stored as /settings/dav_password.

These files will only be readable by the user that started the image. Commands like the following may be used to reveal the randomised passwords:

$ docker exec -i -t my_virtdb cat /settings/dba_password

Without this password, you will not be able to log in to the dba account using either the isql tool or the Virtuoso Conductor.

NOTE: Users are advised to immediately change the password and then remove this file from the filesystem.

Persistent storage

In order to retain changes to the Virtuoso database, the database documents should be stored on the host file system.

The docker image exposes a /database volume that can be easily mapped to a local directory on the filesystem. If this directory is empty, the docker image will put an initial virtuoso.ini into the mapped directory and then proceeds to create a new database.

Stopping the image

When the docker image is running in foreground mode (with -i or --interactive), you can shut down Virtuoso by pressing the CTRL and C buttons in that terminal session. You can also use the following command on a different terminal:

$ docker stop my_virtdb
Restarting the image

Once the docker image has been registered with the docker run or docker create command on your local system, you can start it in the background using:

$ docker start my_virtdb

If you prefer to run the instance in foreground mode, you can use:

$ docker start -i -a my_virtdb
Checking the startup log

If the docker image is started in background (without -i or --interactive) mode, you can look at the recent output of the virtuoso process by running:

$ docker logs my_virtdb
Using isql to connect

To connect to your running Virtuoso instance, you can use the following command:

$ docker exec -i my_virtdb isql 1111

You will be prompted for the dba account password.

NOTE: If you provide an incorrect password multiple times, Virtuoso will lock the dba account for a couple of minutes.

Using an existing database

If the mapped directory contains a virtuoso.ini and accompanying database documents, the new docker image will attempt to use these.

NOTE: Directory paths referenced in the virtuoso.ini should be relative to the internal directory structure of the docker image in order to work.

OpenLink Virtuoso Open Source Edition 7.2 Docker Reference

Downloading the image

To pull the latest Virtuoso 7.2 docker image to your local system, you can use the following command:

$ docker pull openlink/virtuoso-opendsource-7

To check the version of the Virtuoso binary, you can use the following command:

$ docker run openlink/virtuoso-opensource-7 version


This Docker image is using the following version of Virtuoso:

Virtuoso Open Source Edition (Column Store) (multi threaded)
Version as of Jun 10 2024 (a1fd8195b)
Compiled for Linux (x86_64-ubuntu_focal-linux-gnu)
Copyright (C) 1998-2024 OpenLink Software

Configurable resources

The OpenLink Virtuoso Open Source Edition docker image exposes a number of resources that can be configured or mapped to the local machine.


Port 1111

This port can be mapped to provide external access to the docker image to connect using any of the Virtuoso client providers such as ODBC, JDBC, ADO.Net, OLE-DB, iSQL from either the host system or from another docker image.

In case you want to run multiple docker images on the same host system you can use the -p or --publish command-line option to map a free port on the local system (e.g. 1112) to the default isql port 1111 on the docker system.

$ docker create .....
  --publish 1112:1111 \

Port 8890

This port can be mapped to provide external access to the VirtuosoHTTP server.

In case you want to run multiple docker images on the same host system you can use the -p or --publish command-line option to map a free port on the local system. E.g. if you want this image to be the default web-server, you can map port 80 on the host to the default HTTP port 8890 on the docker system.

$ docker create .....
  --publish 80:8890 \

As soon as the docker image has been started you can connect to Virtuoso using the following URL in your browser:



This volume contains the virtuoso.ini, virtuoso.lic and all the files used by the Virtuoso database.

When creating or running any docker container there are two parameters that play an important role in data persistence:

  • Named vs Unnamed containers (using the -n or --name argument)

  • Mapped or Unmapped volumes (using the -v or --volume argument)

If you create a docker image without specifying either a name for the resulting (unnamed) container and a volume mapping, this docker image will be destroyed the moment the container is stopped and while the directory is not immediately removed from the host filesystem, it may not be easy to locate and recover any data inside.

As long as you at least use the --name argument, the docker container can be stopped and restarted without any loss of data.

If you create a docker image without mapping a volume to a local directory on your hard drive, the docker system will create a directory within its own filesystem which maybe on your root filesystem (on Linux docker images are located under /var/lib/docker/containers). This can cause problems if the filesystem is not large enough or when you want to change to a newer version of the image without loosing your existing data. Using an unnamed volume also causes problems when you want to upgrade to a later version of the docker image while keeping your existing database.

While there are circumstances where you may prefer an unnamed container with mapped volume, we recommend you use both --name and --volume parameters on all virtuoso containers you create.


This directory can contain a mix of shell (.sh) and Virtuoso PL (.sql) scripts that can perform functions such as:

  • Installing additional Ubuntu packages
  • Loading data from remote locations such as Amazon S3 buckets, Google Drive, or other locations
  • Bulk loading data into the Virtuoso database
  • Installing additional VAD packages into the database
  • Adding new Virtuoso users
  • Granting permissions to Virtuoso users
  • Regenerating free-text indexes or other initial data

The scripts are run only once, during the initial database creation; subsequent restarts of the docker image will not cause these script to be re-run.

The scripts are run in alphabetical order, so we suggest starting the script names with sequence numbers, so the ordering is explicit and obvious.

For security purposes, Virtuoso will run the .sql scripts in a special mode, and will not respond to connections on its SQL (1111) and/or HTTP (8890) ports.

At the end of each .sql script, Virtuoso automatically performs a checkpoint, to make sure the changes are fully written back to the database. This is very important for scripts that use the bulk loader function rdf_loader_run() or manually change the ACID mode of the database for any reason.

After all the initialization scripts have run to completion, Virtuoso will be started normally, and start listening to requests on its SQL (1111) and HTTP (8890) ports.

Environment variables


This environment variable should be set in combination with one of the secure options to pass sensitive information to the docker image. The startup script will read the content from this file on the internal docker filesystem and assign it to the DBA_PASSWORD environment variable internally. In this case the DBA_PASSWORD setting is not recorded in the meta data of this docker instance.


$ echo -n 'verysecretpw' | docker secret create dba_secret -

$ docker service create .... \
    --secret dba_secret \
    --env DBA_PASSWORD_FILE=/run/secrets/dba_secret \

See also:


See DBA_PASSWORD_FILE for more details.


If this environment variable is set via either the command-line options -e, --env, --env-file or via the environment section in a .yml file, the value will be assigned as the initial password of the dba account when creating a new database.

If this variable is set to ami-id the docker image will attempt to get this value from the EC2 registry on the Amazon AMI. If this fails or if this docker container is not started on an AMI the variable will be regarded as unset.

If this variable is unset, a random password will be generated and assigned as the initial password of the dba account when creating a new database.

The password will be stored inside the docker container in /settings/dba_password and we recommend you remove this file after you have changed the dba password to some other value, either via the conductor web interface, or via the isql command.


$ docker create .....
  --env DBA_PASSWORD=mysecret \

NOTE: As environment variables are stored in the meta information of the docker image, the initial password is easily visible to all users on the same machine that are able to run the docker inspect command. In cases where this could be an issue we recommend using the 'docker secrets' option in combination with the DBA_PASSWORD_FILE option.


See DBA_PASSWORD_FILE for more details.


If this environment variable is set via either the command-line options -e, --env, --env-file or via the environment section in a .yml file, the value will be assigned as the initial password of the dav account when creating a new database.

If this variable is not set, the value of the DBA_PASSWORD setting will be used for both dba and dav accounts.

The password will be stored inside the docker container in /settings/dav_password and we recommend you remove this file after you have changed the dav password to some other value, either via the conductor web interface, or via the isql command.


This environment variable is used in combination with one of the secure options to pass sensitive information to the Virtuoso closed source docker images. The startup script will read the content from this file on the internal docker filesystem and copy it to the /database/virtuoso.lic file.

See also:


This environment variable is used in combination with one of the following options to pass information to the docker image. The startup script will read the content of this file on the internal docker filesystem and copy it to the '/database/virtuoso.inifile, instead of installing the defaultvirtuoso.ini` file from the virtuoso installation.

Please note that all path settings in virtuoso.ini should be based on the internal filesystem structure of the docker image, and not refer to directory paths on the host system. It is possible to bind additional directories from the host system into the docker instance using bind mounts using command-line options such as ``--mount`

After installing a virtuoso.ini file, the startup script will parse the environment variables to allow additional updates to the virtuoso.ini file as detailed in the next paragraph. The startup script will also rewrite the [Plugin] section to enable all the plugins installed in the hosting directory.

See also:

Updating virtuoso.ini via environment settings

Using environment variables when creating the Virtuosodocker instance via the command-line options -e, --env, --env-file or via the environment section in a .yml file, you can add or overrule any parameter within the virtuoso.ini file.

These environment variables must be named like:



  • VIRT is common prefix to group such variables together (always in upper case)
  • SECTION is the name of the [section] in virtuoso.ini(case insensitive)
  • KEY is the name of a key within the section (case insensitive)
  • VALUE is the text to be written into the key (case sensitive)

The SECTION and KEY parts of these variable names can be written in either uppercase (most commonly used) or mixed case, without having to exactly match the case used inside the virtuoso.ini file. There is no validation on the SECTION and KEY name parts, so any mistake may result in a non-functional setting.

The following names all refer to the same setting:

  • VIRT_Parameters_NumberOfBuffers (case matching the section and key name in virtuoso.ini)
  • VIRT_PARAMETERS_NUMBEROFBUFFERS (recommended way to name environment variables)
  • VIRT_parameters_numberofbuffers (optional)

The VALUE is a case sensitive string and should be surrounded by either single (') or double (") quotes in case there are spaces or other special characters in the string.

If the VALUE is set to '-', the KEY entry will be removed from the SECTION.


$ docker create .... \
  ... \
  -e VIRT_HTTPSERVER_MaxClientConnections=100 \

Please note that all path settings in virtuoso.ini should be based on the internal filesystem structure of the docker image, and cannot directly refer to directory paths on the host system. It is possible to bind additional directories from the host system into the docker instance using bind mounts using command-line options such as ``--moun

See also:

Docker Pull Command

docker pull openlink/virtuoso-opensource-7