Base image derived from Debian/Jessie for building x86_64 AppImage
This repository collects OpenSCAD related docker files. Some are meant for internal use in the OpenSCAD CI automation.
For general use, please check the openscad/openscad
images published and documented at Docker Hub.
Creating an image with debug symbols depends if the app is compiled with cmake
or qmake
. To enable debugging set BUILD_TYPE="Debug"
and DEBUG="+"
in `scripts/
--build-arg BUILD_TYPE="Release" \
--build-arg DEBUG="-" \
--build-arg BUILD_TYPE="Debug" \
--build-arg DEBUG="+" \
Example to run gdb in a container
docker run --ulimit core=-1 -it -v $(pwd):/input openscad/openscad:2021.01-debug
apt update; apt install gdb -y
xvfb-run gdb --ex run --args openscad --info
docker pull openscad/appimage-x86_64-base