The Official Docker Image of OpenSearch Data Prepper (
Maintained by: OpenSearch team
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Data Prepper is a new component of OpenSearch that receives trace data from the OpenTelemetry collector, and aggregates, transforms, and normalizes it for analysis and visualization in OpenSearch Dashboards
You can pull the OpenSearch Data Prepper Docker image just like any other image:
docker pull opensearchproject/data-prepper:latest
See DockerHub for a list of all available versions.
OpenSearch Data Prepper currently supports only the Trace Analytics feature. You can start OpenSearch Data Prepper by following the instructions in the documentation.
Data Prepper depends on OpenTelemetry Collector, OpenSearch, OpenSearch Dashboard and the OpenSearch Dashboard Trace Analytics plugin. Please take a look at this documentation to get started with trace analytics feature end to end.
OpenSearch Data Prepper are licensed under the Apache, Version 2.0 license
OpenSearch Data Prepper serves as a data collector for the OpenSearch. OpenSearch is and will remain 100% open source under the Apache 2.0 license. As the project grows, we hope you will join us and contribute. We want to make it easy for you to get started and remove friction — no lengthy Contributor License Agreement — so you can focus on writing great code. Checkout the OpenSearch website to know more.
docker pull opensearchproject/data-prepper