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Updated over 7 years ago

deps for ckan on dokku

Content Management System
Data Science
Databases & Storage


Data Portal for the South African National Treasury

This is the software repository for the South African National Treasury Data Portal.

We use CKAN to organise the datasets according to various taxonomies and use the CKAN dataset API to make the data discoverable.

This repository also contains code and documentation to load and maintain data in CKAN.

Dockerfile and config to run CKAN in dokku

We run CKAN on the dokku platform. We use dokku's dockerfile deployment method to deploy using the the Dockerfile in this repository. Since there are numerous operating system and python dependencies that ckan relies on, we build an image with these on using Dockerfile-deps.

The Dockerfile then builds on this. We install CKAN plugins using the Dockerfile, which makes it easier to try different ones and keep all plugin installation in one place. These don't take a lot of time so moving them to Dockerfile-deps isn't as important as flexibilty.

This CKAN installation depends on

  • Postgres - main database ad-hoc tables
  • Solr - search on the site
  • Redis - as a queue for background processes
  • S3 - object (file) storage
  • CKAN DataPusher - while limited, this might help us quickly access data programmatically.

It is recommended to use an HTTP cache in front of CKAN in production.

Setting up in production

We set up Solr and Redis on the same server and use a remote Postgres instance.


Deploy an instance of Solr configured for CKAN


We use the dokku Redis plugin.

Install the plugin according to

dokku redis:create ckan-redis

Create the database and credentials

create user ckan_default with password 'some good password';
alter role ckan_default with login;
grant ckan_default to superuser;
create database ckan_default with owner ckan_default;
-- create datastore user and db
create user datastore_default with password 'some good password';
create database datastore_default with owner ckan_default;

Remember to set the correct permissions for the datastore database


Create a bucket and a programmatic access user, and grant the user full access to the bucket with the following policy

    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": [
            "Resource": [

Create the CKAN app in dokku

dokku apps:create ckan

Get the Redis Dsn (connection details) for setting in CKAN environment in the next step with /0 appended.

dokku redis:info ckan-redis

Set CKAN environment variables, replacing these examples with actual producation ones

  • REDIS_URL: use the Redis Dsn
  • SOLR_URL: use the alias given for the docker link below
  • BEAKER_SESSION_SECRET: this must be a secret long random string. Each time it changes it invalidates any active sessions.
  • S3FILESTORE__SIGNATURE_VERSION: use as-is - no idea why the plugin requires this.
dokku config:set ckan CKAN_SQLALCHEMY_URL=postgres://ckan_default:password@host/ckan_default \
                      CKAN_REDIS_URL=.../0 \
                      CKAN_INI=/ckan.ini \
                      CKAN_SOLR_URL=http://solr:8983/solr/ckan \
                      CKAN_SITE_URL= \
                      CKAN___BEAKER__SESSION__SECRET= \
                      CKAN_SMTP_SERVER= \
                      CKAN_SMTP_USER= \
                      CKAN_SMTP_PASSWORD= \
                      CKAN___CKANEXT__S3FILESTORE__AWS_BUCKET_NAME=treasury-data-portal \
                      CKAN___CKANEXT__S3FILESTORE__AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID= \
                      CKAN___CKANEXT__S3FILESTORE__HOST_NAME= \
                      CKAN___CKANEXT__S3FILESTORE__REGION_NAME=eu-west-1 \
                      CKAN___CKANEXT__S3FILESTORE__SIGNATURE_VERSION=s3v4 \
                      NEW_RELIC_APP_NAME="Treasury CKAN" \

Link CKAN and Redis

dokku redis:link ckan-redis ckan

Link CKAN and Solr

dokku docker-options:add ckan run,deploy --link ckan-solr.web.1:solr

Link CKAN and CKAN DataPusher

dokku docker-options:add ckan run,deploy --link ckan-datapusher.web.1:ckan-datapusher

Create a named docker volume and configure ckan to use the volume just so we can configure an upload path. It should be kept clear by the s3 plugin.

docker volume create --name ckan-filestore
dokku docker-options:add ckan run,deploy --volume ckan-filestore:/var/lib/ckan/default

Allow large file uploads by creating an nginx config file (and directory if needed) at /home/dokku/ckan/nginx.conf.d/ckan.conf with the following:

client_max_body_size 100M;
client_body_timeout 120s;

Then let nginx load it

sudo chown dokku:dokku /home/dokku/ckan/nginx.conf.d/ckan.conf
sudo service nginx reload

Add the dokku app remote to your local git clone

git remote add dokku

Push the app to the dokku remote

git push dokku master

Set up database and first sysadmin user.

dokku run ckan bash
cd src/ckan
paster db init -c /ckan.ini
paster sysadmin add admin email="" -c /ckan.ini

Setup cron jobs.

sudo mkdir /var/log/ckan/
sudo touch /var/log/ckan/cronjobs.log
sudo chown ubuntu:ubuntu /var/log/ckan/cronjobs.log
crontab -e

# hourly, update tracking stats, see
5 * * * * /usr/bin/dokku --rm run ckan paster --plugin=ckan tracking update 2017-09-01 2>&1 >> /var/log/ckan/cronjobs.log && /usr/bin/dokku --rm run ckan paster --plugin=ckan search-index rebuild -r 2>&1 >> /var/log/ckan/cronjobs.log
HTTP Cache or cloudflare?

CKAN Celery

dokku apps:create ckan-celery

git remote add dokku-celery

Setting up development environment

While you can set up CKAN directly on your OS, docker-compose is useful to develop and test the docker/dokku-specific aspects.

  • create database
  • create a file in the project root, based on env.tmpl with DB and S3 bucket config
    • To help you avoid committing sensitive information in this file to git, env* is hidden by gitignore. Start services
docker-compose up

Set up database. First we start a shell in the ckan container, then change directory to so that the paster commands are found, then we run the paster command which sets up the database stuff. Finally the SQL for setting up permissions for the datastore extension. Execute these using a postgres superuser.

docker-compose exec ckan bash
cd src/ckan
paster db init -c /ckan.ini
paster datastore set-permissions -c /ckan.ini

First sysadmin user

docker-compose exec ckan bash
cd src/ckan
paster sysadmin add admin email="admin@admin.admin" -c /ckan.ini
Rebuilding the search index

You might need to rebuild the search index, e.g. if you newly/re-created the docker volume holding the ckan solr core data.

docker-compose exec ckan bash
cd src/ckan
paster --plugin=ckan search-index rebuild -c /ckan.ini

Extract, Transform, Load (ETL)

To start with, this will document the partly manual and irregular process of getting the data together and uploaded to CKAN.

Estimates of Provincial Revenue and Expenditure (EPRE)

EPREs are scraped from and stored under etl-data. These should not be added to git. The folder is therefore gitignored.

Metadata from the scrape is also stored there, as specified by --output. We use Line-delimited JSON objects jl because the CSV output doesn't handle the two different types of items.

scrapy runspider --output=etl-data/scraped.jsonl --output-format=jsonl etl/

A list of department names and vote numbers for each provincial government is produced from the EPRE chapters.

cat  etl-data/scraped.jsonl |grep pdf|egrep "(2015|2016|2017)"|jq -r '"\(.year),\(.geographic_region),\"\(.name)\""'|sort>etl-data/departments.csv

Use the "Text to columns" function of a spreadsheet program to split vote number and department name. Add column headers and save as metadata/departments.csv

The spreadsheet filenames don't match the PDF names which represent the department names. We also want the per-vote spreadsheet names to match the chapter PDFs because they should be viewed together.

We use etl/ to do the bulk of that. Since it's doing fuzzy matching, it makes mistakes, and you'll have to view the results and do some manual fixes. Beware that provinces have different for their departments and they can't just be normalised across provinces.

pyhon etl/

This writes etl-data/scraped_normalised.csv which you can then correct manually. The list of manual corrections should always be saved in metadata/fuzzy_normalisation_fixes.csv

We then save etl-data/scraped_normalised.csv as metadata/epre_fienames.csv and run etl/ which will add the department_name and normalised_path columns, and copy the files from the scraped path to the normalised path.

Docker Pull Command

docker pull openup/ckan