
By openzipkin

Updated over 4 years ago

we use openzipkin/java now



openzipkin/java is a minimal Docker image based on azul/zulu-openjdk-alpine.

On Dockerhub: openzipkin/java there will be two tags per version. The one ending in -jre is a minimal build including modules Zipkin related images need. The unqualified is a JDK that also includes Maven.

Release process

The Docker build is driven by --build-arg zulu_tag. The value of this must be Zulu's most-specific Java 15 tag, ex 15.0.0-15.27.17.

Build the Dockerfile and verify the image you built matches that tag. Ex. docker build -t openzipkin/java:test-jre --build-arg zulu_tag=15.0.0-15.27.17 .

Next, verify the built image matches that zulu_tag.

For example, given the following output from docker run --rm openzipkin/java:test-jre -version...

openjdk version "15" 2020-09-15
OpenJDK Runtime Environment Zulu15.27+17-CA (build 15+36)
OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM Zulu15.27+17-CA (build 15+36, mixed mode)

The zulu_tag arg should be 15.0.0-15.27.17

To release the image, push a tag named the same as the zulu_tag you built (ex 15.0.0-15.27.17). This will trigger a Travis CI job to push the image.

Note: The upstream Zulu repository has a monthly release cadence. Maintainers should watch the repo, in case a pull request corresponds to a release. Since not all releases correspond to pull requests, another way is to just check again at each month end.

Docker Pull Command

docker pull openzipkin/jre-full