
By orionbcdb

Updated about 2 years ago

COPA Europe tokenization layer



Quick reference

Supported tags and respective Dockerfile links

What is Hyperledger Orion?

How to use this image

Start an Orion instance

docker run -it --rm -v crypto-materials-location:/etc/copa-europe-tokens/crypto -p 6101:6101 orionbcdb/copa-tokens-server

Port 6101 is REST API port and should be used to access the server.

crypto-materials-location is where all certificates and private keys are located.

If you only plan to try copa-tokens-server, you can use the pre-existing configuration and crypto materials stored in folder deployment/crypto.


Where to store data

The ledger & database data and the server configuration are stored inside the docker container, but it can be overwritten by mapping host folders to container volumes.

The image has three mappable volumes:

  • /etc/copa-europe-tokens/config - contains server configuration yml files. Mapping is optional, needed only if you want to use your own configuration. Sample configuration files are stored in deployment/config-docker folder.
  • /etc/copa-europe-tokens/crypto - crypto materials folder. Should be mapped to host folder. Pre-existing crypto materials are stored in deployment/crypto folder in Orion github. Never use pre-existing crypto materials in production environment.

To invoke the copa-europe-tokens server docker container with all mappings, you can run:

docker run -it --rm -v crypto-materials-location:/etc/copa-europe-tokens/crypto \
                     -v config-location:/etc/copa-europe-tokens/config \
                    -p 6101:6101 orionbcdb/copa-tokens-server

for example, running it for copa-europe-tokens folder from github, using configuration and crypro materials stored in deployment folder, will look like this:

docker run -it --rm -v $(pwd)/deployment/crypto/:/etc/copa-europe-tokens/crypto \
                    -v $(pwd)/deployment/config-docker:/etc/copa-europe-tokens/config \
                    -p 6101:6101 orionbcdb/copa-tokens-server

Docker Pull Command

docker pull orionbcdb/copa-tokens-server