
By osama144

Updated 8 months ago

This is Docker container for Strapi (v4)

API Management
Content Management System
Databases & Storage


🚀 Strapi (v4) - Docker

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This is Docker container for Strapi (v4)


Using Docker Compose, create docker-compose.yml file with the following content:

You can find more example on GitHub.

version: "3.9"
    image: osama144/strapi:latest # or ghcr.io/osama-altamimi/strapi:latest
    container_name: Strapi
    restart: on-failure:5
      - 1337:1337
      NODE_ENV: development # or production

How to use ?

This image allows you to create a new Strapi project.

  • for NODE_ENV = development: The command that will run in your project is strapi develop.
  • for NODE_ENV = production: The command that will run in your project is strapi start.

The Content-Type Builder plugin is disabled WHEN NODE_ENV = production.

⚙️ Creating a new strapi project

Environment Variables

  • NODE_ENV The command that will run in your project. | Default > development

  • DATABASE_CLIENT The database client to use, supported by Strapi: (sqlite, postgres, mysql). | Default > sqlite

  • DATABASE_HOST The database host.

  • DATABASE_PORT The database port.

  • DATABASE_NAME The database name.

  • DATABASE_USERNAME The database username.

  • DATABASE_PASSWORD The database password.

  • DATABASE_SSL Boolean for SSL. | Default > false

📚 Official Documentation

This project is a personal effort and is not affiliated with any company ❤️.

Docker Pull Command

docker pull osama144/strapi