
By osgiliath

Updated 6 days ago

openBIS is a complete solution for managing your research data

Data Science



The open source platform openBIS - Open Biology Information System offers an Electronic Laboratory Notebook and a Laboratory Information Management System (ELN-LIMS) solution suitable for the academic life science laboratories. openBIS ELN-LIMS allows researchers to efficiently document their work, to describe materials and methods, and to collect raw and analysed data and analysis scripts. The openBIS ELN-LIMS platform is developed in ETH Zürich.

Docker Pulls




openBIS Architecture


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Container networking openbis-tier refers to the ability for containers to connect to and communicate with each other. The following example creates a network using the bridge network driver. Running containers will be communicating accross the created virtual network.

$ docker network create openbis-tier --driver bridge;


Port mappings for the containers.

postgres155432/tcpPostgreSQL database server as a backend.
openbis8080/tcpHTTP protocol of openBIS Application Server as a backend.
openbis8081/tcpHTTP protocol of openBIS Data Store Server as a backend.
ingress443/tcpHTTP protocol over TLS/SSL as a frontend.


Docker volumes serve as the preferred mechanism for persisting data generated and utilized by containers. The data directory of openBIS, main configuration files and logs are defined to be maintained as a persistent volume. By utilizing the option -v openbis-data:/data, a persistent storage named openbis-data is created and mounted as /data within the active container. It analogically applies to all other persistent volumes.

ContainerPersistent volumeMountpointDescription
postgres15postgres15-data/var/lib/postgresql/dataPostgreSQL database configuration and data directory.
openbisopenbis-data/dataApplication data directory for data store files to persist data between containers.
openbisopenbis-etc/etc/openbisApplication configuration files to persist configuration between containers.
openbisopenbis-logs/var/log/openbisApplication log files to persist logs and application messages.


Docker Environment Variables

VariableDefault valueDescription
OPENBIS_ADMIN_PASS123456789Administrator password to openBIS instance.
OPENBIS_DATA/data/openbisDirectory for openBIS persistent data.
OPENBIS_DB_ADMIN_PASSmysecretpasswordPostgreSQL superuser password.
OPENBIS_DB_ADMIN_USERpostgresPostgreSQL superuser name.
OPENBIS_DB_APP_PASSmysecretpasswordPassword for application user connecting to the database.
OPENBIS_DB_APP_USERopenbisUsername for application user connecting to the database.
OPENBIS_DB_HOSTpostgres15Name of container running PostgreSQL database.
OPENBIS_ETC/etc/openbisDirectory for openBIS configuration files.
OPENBIS_HOME/home/openbisDirectory for openBIS installation binaries.
OPENBIS_LOG/var/log/openbisDirectory for openBIS log files.
OPENBIS_FQDNopenbis.cloudFull qualified domain name of openBIS service.
OPENBIS_UID1001User ID to control file permissions.
OPENBIS_GID1001Group ID to control file permissions.


Database container provides relational database - PostgreSQL server - to persist users, authorization information, various entities and their metadata, as well as index information about all datasets. It is required to have database superuser privileges.

$ docker run --detach \
  --name postgres15 \
  --hostname postgres15 \
  --network openbis-tier \
  -v postgres15-data:/var/lib/postgresql/data \
  -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=mysecretpassword \
  -e PGDATA=/var/lib/postgresql/data/pgdata \


Application container provides Java runtime and consists of two Java processes - the openBIS Application Server (openBIS AS) and the - openBIS Data Store Server (openBIS DSS). openBIS AS manages the metadata and links to the data while the openBIS DSS manages the data itself operating on a managed part of the file system

$ docker run --detach \
  --name openbis \
  --hostname openbis \
  --network openbis-tier \
  --pid host \
  -p 8080:8080 \
  -p 8081:8081 \
  -v openbis-data:/data \
  -v openbis-etc:/etc/openbis \
  -v openbis-logs:/var/log/openbis \
  -e OPENBIS_ADMIN_PASS="123456789" \
  -e OPENBIS_DATA="/data/openbis" \
  -e OPENBIS_DB_ADMIN_PASS="mysecretpassword" \
  -e OPENBIS_DB_ADMIN_USER="postgres" \
  -e OPENBIS_DB_APP_PASS="mysecretpassword" \
  -e OPENBIS_DB_APP_USER="openbis" \
  -e OPENBIS_DB_HOST="postgres15" \
  -e OPENBIS_ETC="/etc/openbis" \
  -e OPENBIS_HOME="/home/openbis" \
  -e OPENBIS_LOG="/var/log/openbis" \
  -e OPENBIS_FQDN="openbis.cloud" \


Ingress container provides TLS termination and reverse proxy. Examples below are easily functional. They should be extended for complex access control or web application firewall. They configure Transport Layer Security, and reverse proxy based on path, where “/openbis” is directed to port 8080, and “/datastore_server” is directed to port 8081.


Minimal functional example of server block which can be used as a template for the final configurations.

    server {
        listen 443 ssl;
        listen [::]:443 ssl;
        server_name openbis.domain;
        root /var/www/html;

        location /openbis/ {
          proxy_set_header Host $host;
          proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;
          proxy_pass http://openbis:8080;

        location /datastore_server/ {
          proxy_set_header Host $host;
          proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;
          proxy_pass http://openbis:8081;

        ssl_certificate /etc/ssl/openbis.domain.pem;
        ssl_certificate_key /etc/ssl/private/openbis.domain.key;

        ssl_session_timeout 5m;
        ssl_session_cache shared:SSL:1m;
        ssl_protocols TLSv1 TLSv1.1 TLSv1.2 TLSv1.3;
        ssl_ciphers HIGH:!aNULL:!MD5:!RC4;

Minimal functional example which can be used as a template for the final configuration.

        maxconn 1024
        chroot /var/haproxy
        uid 604
        gid 604
        pidfile /var/run/haproxy.pid
        ssl-default-bind-options no-sslv3
        tune.ssl.default-dh-param 2048

        log global
        mode http
        option httplog
        option dontlognull
        option redispatch
        retries 3
        maxconn 2000

    frontend openbis_ingress
        bind *:443 ssl crt /etc/haproxy/ssl
        acl is_as path_beg /openbis
        acl is_dss path_beg /datastore_server
        use_backend openbis_as if is_as
        use_backend openbis_dss if is_dss
        default_backend openbis_as

    backend openbis_as
        option forwardfor
        server as openbis:8080 check

     backend openbis_dss
        option forwardfor
        server dss openbis:8081 check
Apache httpd

Minimal functional example of VirtualHost which can be used as a template for the final configuration.

    <VirtualHost _default_:443>
        ServerName openbis.domain
        DocumentRoot "/var/www/html"

        SSLEngine on
        SSLCertificateFile /etc/ssl/openbis.domain.pem
        SSLCertificateKeyFile /etc/ssl/private/openbis.domain.key
        SSLProtocol all -SSLv2

        SSLProxyEngine on
        SSLProxyCheckPeerCN off
        SSLProxyCheckPeerExpire off
        ProxyRequests off
        ProxyPreserveHost on

        AllowEncodedSlashes on

        RewriteEngine on
        RewriteRule ^/openbis$ /openbis/ [R,L]
        RewriteRule ^/datastore_server$ /datastore_server/ [R,L]

        ProxyPass /openbis/ http://openbis:8080/openbis/ timeout=600 keepalive=on
        ProxyPassReverse /openbis/ http://openbis:8080/openbis/
        ProxyPass /datastore_server/ http://openbis:8081/datastore_server/ timeout=600 keepalive=off
        ProxyPassReverse /datastore_server/ http://openbis:8081/datastore_server/


Check status of running openBIS Application Server.

$ docker exec -it openbis /home/openbis/servers/openBIS-server/jetty/bin/status.sh;
openBIS Application Server is running (pid 24538)

Check version of running openBIS Application Server.

$ docker exec -it openbis /home/openbis/servers/openBIS-server/jetty/bin/version.sh;
20.10.7 (r1688387419)

Check the password file for file based authentication.

$ docker exec -it openbis /home/openbis/servers/openBIS-server/jetty/bin/passwd.sh list;
User ID               First Name            Last Name             Email

Check connectivity to port 8080 of openBIS Application Server.

$ docker exec -it openbis curl http://localhost:8080/openbis/webapp/eln-lims/version.txt;

Examine a process of openBIS Data Store Server.

$ docker exec -it openbis pgrep -af DataStoreServer;
25503 java -server -Djavax.net.ssl.trustStore=etc/openBIS.keystore --add-exports java.xml/jdk.xml.internal=ALL-UNNAMED -Dnative.libpath=lib/native -classpath lib/slf4j-log4j12-1.6.2.jar:lib/datastore_server.jar:lib/common.jar:lib/dbmigration-20.10.7-r1688387419.jar:lib/activation-1.1.1.jar:lib/ascii-table-1.2.0.jar:lib/aspectjweaver-1.8.12.jar:lib/authentication-20.10.7-r1688387419.jar:lib/autolink-dataset-uploader-api-zip4j_1.3.2.jar:lib/autolink-dropboxReporter-jyson-1.0.2.jar:lib/autolink-eln-lims-api-htmlcleaner-2.23.jar:lib/autolink-eln-lims-api-zip4j_1.3.2.jar:lib/autolink-password-reset-api-persistentkeyvaluestore.jar:lib/autolink-zenodo-exports-api-job-scheduler.jar:lib/base64-2.3.9.jar:lib/bcel-6.0-SNAPSHOT.jar:lib/bcpg-1.59.jar:lib/bcprov-1.59.jar:lib/bioformats-6.5.1.jar:lib/builder-commons-1.0.2.jar:lib/cisd-args4j-9.11.2.jar:lib/cisd-cifex-r1550129411.jar:lib/cisd-hotdeploy-13.01.0.jar:lib/cisd-image-readers-bioformats-r1553067167.jar:lib/cisd-image-readers-imagej-r1553067167.jar:lib/cisd-image-readers-jai-r1553067167.jar:lib/cisd-image-readers-r1553067167.jar:lib/cisd-openbis-knime-server-13.6.0.r29301.jar:lib/classmate-1.3.0.jar:lib/common.jar:lib/commonbase.jar:lib/commons-cli-1.2.jar:lib/commons-codec-1.10.jar:lib/commons-collections-4.01.jar:lib/commons-collections4-4.1.jar:lib/commons-compress-1.8.jar:lib/commons-csv-1.2.jar:lib/commons-dbcp-1.3-CISD.jar:lib/commons-fileupload-1.3.3.jar:lib/commons-io-2.6.jar:lib/commons-lang3-3.11.jar:lib/commons-logging-1.1.1.jar:lib/commons-pool-1.5.6.jar:lib/commons-text-1.6.jar:lib/datastore_server-20.10.7-r1688387419.jar:lib/datastore_server_plugin-dsu-20.10.7-r1688387419.jar:lib/datastore_server_plugin-plasmid-20.10.7-r1688387419.jar:lib/datastore_server_plugin-yeastx-20.10.7-r1688387419.jar:lib/dbmigration-20.10.7-r1688387419.jar:lib/docx4j-6.1.2.jar:lib/dom4j-1.6.1.jar:lib/ehcache-2.10.0.jar:lib/eodsql-2.2-CISD.jar:lib/fast-md5-2.6.1.jar:lib/ftpserver-core-1.0.6.jar:lib/guava-25.0-jre.jar:lib/h2-1.1.115.jar:lib/hamcrest-core-1.3.jar:lib/hamcrest-integration-1.3.jar:lib/hamcrest-library-1.3.jar:lib/httpclient-4.3.6.jar:lib/httpcore-4.3.3.jar:lib/ij-1.43u.jar:lib/image-viewer-0.3.6.jar:lib/istack-commons-runtime-3.0.5.jar:lib/jackcess-1.2.2.jar:lib/jackson-annotations-2.9.10.jar:lib/jackson-core-2.9.10.jar:lib/jackson-databind-*.jar ch.systemsx.cisd.openbis.dss.generic.DataStoreServer

Check connectivity to the database.

$ docker exec -it openbis psql -h postgres15 -U openbis openbis_prod -c "select id,user_id,email from persons";
Password for user openbis:
 id |  user_id  | email
  1 | system    |
  2 | etlserver |
  3 | admin     |
(3 rows)


  1. openBIS: a flexible framework for managing and analyzing complex data in biology research
  2. openBIS official documentation
  3. openBIS official Docker image
  4. Docker Engine
  5. Docker Compose
  6. PostgreSQL official image
  7. NGINX Documentation
  8. HAProxy Documentation
  9. Apache HTTP Server Documentation


Copyright 2023-2025 Uruk-Hai

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.

Docker Pull Command

docker pull osgiliath/openbis