
By oults

Updated about 1 month ago

A docker container to create a link between a hosted PostgreSQL database and FOLIO

API Management


This docker container has been created by Oakland University Library Technology Services. This container requires the following environmental variables to properly function

  • url
    ###the URL of your okapi endpoint###

  • tenant
    ###The Tenant ID to authenticate to your okapi endpoint###

  • apiuser
    ####The username to authenticate to your okapi endpoint###

  • apipass
    ###The password to authenticate to your okapi endpoint###

  • dbname
    ###The name of your Postgres database###

  • host
    ###The hostname of the server hosting your Postgres database###

  • port
    ###The listening port of your Postgres database###

  • dbuser
    ###The username of your database user (must have the ability to create schemas and tables)###

  • dbpass
    ###The password for your database user###

Docker Pull Command

docker pull oults/ldlite