A Private Terraform Module Registry
= Citizen
image:https://travis-ci.org/outsideris/citizen.svg?branch=master["Build Status", link="https://travis-ci.org/outsideris/citizen"] image:https://app.fossa.io/api/projects/git%2Bgithub.com%2Foutsideris%2Fcitizen.svg?type=shield["FOSSA Status", link="https://app.fossa.io/projects/git%2Bgithub.com%2Foutsideris%2Fcitizen?ref=badge_shield"] image:https://david-dm.org/outsideris/citizen/status.svg["Dependency Status", link="https://david-dm.org/outsideris/citizen"] image:https://david-dm.org/outsideris/citizen/dev-status.svg["devDependency Status", link="https://david-dm.org/outsideris/citizen?type=dev"]
A Private link:https://registry.terraform.io/[Terraform Module Registry] in the early stages of development.
== Requirements
== Usage link:https://github.com/outsideris/citizen//releases/latest[Download the latest release!]
=== citizen server
To launch the registry server
[source, sh]
$ ./citizen server
It will be launched at link:http://localhost:3000[http://localhost:3000]. You can check it at link:http://localhost:3000/health[http://localhost:3000/health].
Because link:https://www.terraform.io/[Terraform CLI] works with only HTTPS server, you should set up HTTPS in front of the registry server.
If you want to test it at local, you need a tool which provides HTTPS like link:https://ngrok.com/[ngrok].
Environment variables:
: A directory to save database file. The default is data
directory in a current working directory (absolute/relative path can be used).CITIZEN_STORAGE
: Storage type to store module files. You can use file
or s3
: A directory to save module files only if CITIZEN_STORAGE
is file
(absolute/relative path can be used).CITIZEN_AWS_S3_BUCKET``: A S3 bucket to save module files only if
: Your AWS access key only if CITIZEN_STORAGE
is s3
: Your AWS secret access key only if CITIZEN_STORAGE
is s3
.=== citizen publish
Since link:https://registry.terraform.io/[official Terraform Module Registry] is integrated with GitHub, users can publish terraform modules if they just push it on GitHub.
Citizen provides a special command to publish a module onto citizen registry server instead integrating GitHub.
In a module directory, you can publish your terraform module via a command below: [source, sh] .... $ ./citizen publish ....
You should set CITIZEN_ADDR
as citizen registry server address which you will publish your modules to. e.g. https://registry.example.com
=== Examples
If you have ALB module in ./alb
directory and your registry server is launched at https://registry.example.com
, you run below command in ./alb
directory to publish ALB module.
[source, sh]
$ CITIZEN_ADDR=https://registry.example.com
citizen publish dev-team alb aws 0.1.0
Then, you can define it in your terraform file like this: .... module "alb" { source = "registry.example.com/dev-team/alb/aws" version = "0.1.0" } ....
== Docker You can use docker to launch the registry server. The docker image is in link:https://hub.docker.com/r/outsideris/citizen/[outsideris/citizen].
[source, sh] .... $ docker run -d -p "3000:3000" outsideris/citizen:latest ....
== Development Set environment variables, see above.
[source, sh] .... $ ./bin/citizen server $ ./bin/citizen publish ....
=== Test [source, sh] .... $ npm test ....
=== Build distributions
[source, sh] .... $ npm run build ....
Under dist/
citizen binaries for linux, darwin and windows made.
== License image:https://app.fossa.io/api/projects/git%2Bgithub.com%2Foutsideris%2Fcitizen.svg?type=large["FOSSA Status", link="https://app.fossa.io/projects/git%2Bgithub.com%2Foutsideris%2Fcitizen?ref=badge_large"]
docker pull outsideris/citizen