
By pacovk

Updated about 18 hours ago

Admin-UI for managing local SQS. Helpful when developing serverless apps locally eg with Localstack

Developer Tools



A minimal and lightweight UI for managing SQS-Queues for local development e.g. with Localstack.

GitHub: SQS-admin



There are already good UIs for SQS, but they are heavy with sizes >100 MB. Most likely because they ship with SQS itself. If you choose e.g. Localstack for local development you don't need an additional local SQS setup, as it is already provided by Localstack, unfortunately without UI. This Alpine based image has a size ~15 MB. You can easily manage and create Queues.


The most common way to use SQS-Admin would be in conjunction with a docker-compose.yml. A working example can be found in the example directory.

You probably need to have a SQS up and running somewhere to connect to, e.g. via Localstack. To start SQS-Admin simply run: docker run --rm -p 3999:3999 -e SQS_ENDPOINT_URL=<Endpoint-URL-of-our-SQS> -d pacovk/sqs-admin


You can easily configure the Docker Container via the following environment variables:

SQS_ENDPOINT_URLEndpoint where SQS is running, this one is mostly requiredhttp://localhost:4566
SQS_AWS_REGIONAWS region the client internally uses to interact with SQSeu-central-1


To configure the backend for local development you can set the following environment variable:

HTTP_PORTPort that the internal backend binds to and is serving3999
Legal note

UI favicon by John Sorrentino

Docker Pull Command

docker pull pacovk/sqs-admin