A docker FTP server based on vsftpd and Alpine. Light, below 15 Mb. GNS3 ready.
A docker FTP server based on vsftpd and Alpine. Light, below 15 Mb. GNS3 ready.
A FTP client is also included, the command is : lftp
The /data folder is persistent, default login: tux/1234
docker run -dt --name myftp palw3ey/ye3ftp
docker exec -it myftp sh --login -c "mgmt"
# create a test file :
docker exec -it myftp sh --login -c "echo it_works > /data/test.txt"
open 21
login tux 1234
get test.txt
# Verify, on Linux
cat test.txt
# Verify, on Windows
type test.txt
On Windows, the ftp command in the terminal do not support the passive option nor the SSL option.
To connect using these options you can use Windows explorer or the CURL command.
For advanced use, prefer WinSCP or FileZilla.
docker exec -it myftp sh --login -c "mgmt --action=add --user=tux2 --password=1234"
docker run -dt --name myftp \
--net=host \
-e Y_PORT=1022 \
-v /home/{YOUR_USERNAME}/Documents:/data/tux \
-e Y_USER=tux \
-e Y_PASSWORD=strongPassword \
docker run -dt --name myftp \
--net=host \
-e Y_PORT=1022 \
-e Y_SSL=yes \
-v /etc/letsencrypt/live/{YOUR_DOMAIN}/fullchain.pem:/etc/vsftpd/fullchain.pem \
-v /etc/letsencrypt/live/{YOUR_DOMAIN}/privkey.pem:/etc/vsftpd/privkey.pem \
-e Y_USER=tux \
-e Y_PASSWORD=strongPassword \
docker run -dt --name myftp \
--net=host \
-e Y_PORT=1022 \
-e Y_PASV_MIN=40001 \
-e Y_PASV_MAX=41000 \
-e Y_USER=tux \
-e Y_PASSWORD=strongPassword \
You can use "-p 1022:22" instead of "--net=host -e Y_PORT=1022", but in a PSAV scenario you will have to map every port from PASV_MIN to PASV_MAX, these -p option will create a lot of iptables rules and docker processes.
curl ftp://tux:1234@ --ssl-reqd -T test.txt
lftp user:password@FTP_server:FTP_port
To run through GNS3, download and import the appliance : ye3ftp.gns3a
Drag and drop the device in the topology. Right click on the device and select "Edit config".
If you want a static configuration, uncomment the lines just below # Static config for eth0
or otherwise # DHCP config for eth0
for a dhcp configuration. Click "Save".
Add a link to connect the device to a switch or router. Finally, right click on the device, select "Start".
To see the output, right click "Console".
To type commands, right click "Auxiliary console".
These are the env variables and their default values.
variables | format | default | description |
Y_LANGUAGE | text | fr_FR | Language. The list is in the folder /i18n/ |
Y_DEBUG | yes/no | no | yes, Run vsftpd with debug option |
Y_IP | IP address | | IP address to listen to |
Y_PORT | port number | 21 | Port to listen to |
Y_USER | username | tux | The user to create |
Y_PASSWORD | password | 1234 | The password for the user |
Y_UID | number | 1000 | The UID to use for all FTP users |
Y_GID | number | 1000 | The GID to use for all FTP users |
Y_PERMISSION | permission | 0775 | file_open_mode |
Y_INDIVIDUAL_FOLDER | yes/no | yes | yes, All user use a personal folder. |
Y_PASV | yes/no | yes | yes, to enable PASV. |
Y_PASV_ADDRESS | ip address | pasv_address | |
Y_PASV_MIN | port number | 0 | pasv_min_port |
Y_PASV_MAX | port number | 0 | pasv_max_port |
Y_ANONYMOUS | yes/no | no | yes, to allow anonymous logins. Anonymous usernames are : ftp and anonymous |
Y_ANONYMOUS_WRITE | yes/no | no | yes, to allow anonymous to write |
Y_SSL | yes/no | no | yes, to enable SSL. Require /etc/vsftpd/fullchain.pem and /etc/vsftpd/privkey.pem |
Y_SSL_FORCE | yes/no | no | yes, to allow only SSL connections |
Y_SSL_IMPLICIT | yes/no | no | yes, to enable implicit SSL |
The docker image was compiled to work on these CPU architectures :
Work on most computers including Raspberry Pi
To customize and create your own images. Or simply create an image compatible with your operating system architecture.
git clone
cd ye3ftp
# Make all your modifications, then :
docker build --no-cache --network=host -t ye3ftp .
docker run -dt --name my_customized_ftp ye3ftp
name | version |
ye3ftp | 1.0.1 |
vsftpd | 3.0.5 |
alpine | 3.18.4 |
Don't hesitate to send me your contributions, issues, improvements on github or by mail.
author: palw3ey
maintainer: palw3ey
docker hub:
docker pull palw3ey/ye3ftp