
By particular

Updated 4 days ago

Provide valuable information about the message flow through a system.



Particular Software ServiceControl Audit

The particular/servicecontrol-audit image is part of the Particular Service Platform, which includes the following images:

Image NameDocumentationPurpose
particular/servicecontrolInstance Documentation
Container Documentation
The primary/error instance, which includes error handling and recoverability
particular/servicecontrol-auditInstance Documentation
Container Documentation
The audit instance, which stores audit data, and can be scaled out to multiple audit instances
particular/servicecontrol-monitoringInstance Documentation
Container Documentation
The monitoring instance, which tracks runtime information like throughput, queue length, and other metrics
particular/servicecontrol-ravendbContainer DocumentationThe database used by the error/audit instances
particular/servicepulseApp Documentation
Container Documentation
The web application that provides a front end for recoverability and monitoring features


The following is the most basic way to create an audit container using Docker, assuming a RabbitMQ message broker also hosted in a Docker container using default guest/guest credentials:

docker run -d --name audit -p 44444:44444 \
    -e TRANSPORTTYPE=RabbitMQ.QuorumConventionalRouting \
    -e CONNECTIONSTRING="host=rabbitmq" \
    -e RAVENDB_CONNECTIONSTRING="http://audit-db:8080" \
    particular/servicecontrol-audit:latest --setup-and-run

For all other usage information see the official container documentation.

Image tagging

latest tag

This tag is primarily for developers wanting to use the latest version. If a release targets the current latest major or is a new major after the previous latest, then the :latest tag is applied to the image pushed to Docker Hub.

If the release is a patch release to a previous major, then the :latest tag will not be added.

Version tags

We use SemVer for versioning. Release images pushed to Docker Hub will be tagged with the release version.

Major version tag

The latest release within a major version will be tagged with the major version number only on images pushed to Docker Hub. This allows users to target a specific major version to help avoid the risk of incurring breaking changes between major versions.

Minor version tag

The latest release within a minor version will be tagged with {major}.{minor} on images pushed to Docker Hub. This allows users to target the latest patch within a specific minor version.

Image architecture

This image is a multi-arch image based on the base image supporting linux/arm64 and linux/amd64.


This software, including this container image, is built and maintained by the team at Particular Software. See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.


This project is licensed under the Reciprocal Public License 1.5 (RPL1.5) and commercial licenses are available - see the source repository license file for more information.

Docker Pull Command

docker pull particular/servicecontrol-audit