
By pbbg

Updated almost 4 years ago



PBBG.com - Multi-Container App

This repo demonstrates a multi-container docker app that decouples concerns between containers for an ideal development experience in a team of open source contributors with various tech and language specialties as well as ease of deployment since all services and containers can more easily be moved as one/at once and restarted with a single docker command.


  • Docker engine
  • Docker Compose
  • Internet Connection
  • Ensure no other web server is running on your host machine's port 80

Docker Containers

ContainerServiceInternal PortExternal Port
/frontendUser Interface with Vue.js80
/backendAPI with Laravel 89000
/databaseDatabase with Mysql3306
/proxyReverse proxy with Nginx8080

How to start this project locally

  1. Ensure you have prerequisites (see above)
  2. Fork, clone, go to project directory.
  3. Create your .env in project root and copy content of .env.example
  4. Run shell script located at ./scripts/local-start.sh

You may need to grant 'execute script' permissions to any of the .sh scripts in this project before you can use them.

After everything is started, you can find the application running on http://localhost, and the backend (API) is accessible by hitting an example endpoint at http://localhost/api/tests.

Docker Pull Command

docker pull pbbg/backend