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By pecan

Updated about 11 hours ago

Web interface to PEcAn.

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Web Servers



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Supported tags

  • 1.6.0, 1.6, 1, latest Latest released version of PEcAn
  • develop Latest development version of PEcAn

What is PEcAn?

The Predictive Ecosystem Analyzer (PEcAn) (see is an integrated ecological bioinformatics toolbox (Dietze et al 2013, LeBauer et al, 2013) that consists of: 1) a scientific workflow system to manage the immense amounts of publicly-available environmental data and 2) a Bayesian data assimilation system to synthesize this information within state-of-the-art ecosystems models. This project is motivated by the fact that many of the most pressing questions about global change are not necessarily limited by the need to collect new data as much as by our ability to synthesize existing data. This project seeks to improve this ability by developing a accessibe framework for integrating multiple data sources in a sensible manner.

The PEcAn workflow system allows ecosystem modeling to be more reproducible, automated, and transparent in terms of operations applied to data, and thus ultimately more comprehensible to both peers and the public. It reduces the redundancy of effort among modeling groups, facilitate collaboration, and makes models more accessible the rest of the research community.

PEcAn is not itself an ecosystem model, and it can be used to with a variety of different ecosystem models; integrating a model involves writing a wrapper to convert inputs and outputs to and from the standards used by PEcAn. Currently, PEcAn supports over a dozen ecosystem models, with more being added all the time (see the models folder for the most up-to-date list)


Consult our Documentation for full documentation of the PEcAn Project.

Getting Started

See "Getting Started" on the PEcAn.

How to use this image

This image contains the web interface to PEcAn. This does not contain any of the PEcAn R packages.

You can use this image when debugging:

docker run -ti --rm \
     -v ${PWD}/web:/var/www/html/pecan/ \
     -v ${PWD}/docker/config.docker.php:/var/www/html/pecan/config.php \
     -p 8888:80 \

This will mount the web folder into the docker container. This will allow you to edit the files in the web folder and see the changes live on the web interface.

Docker Pull Command

docker pull pecan/web