
By pegi3s

Updated 9 months ago

BDBM ( docker image.

Data Science
Databases & Storage
Languages & Frameworks


This image belongs to a larger project called Bioinformatics Docker Images Project (

(Please note that the original software licenses still apply)

Using the BDBM image in Linux

Please note that the following instructions must be executed in Linux environments only.

You should adapt and run the following command: docker run --rm -ti -e USERID=$UID -e USER=$USER -e DISPLAY=$DISPLAY -v /var/db:/var/db:Z -v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix -v $HOME/.Xauthority:/home/developer/.Xauthority -v "/your/data/dir:/mnt/shared" -v "/your/repository/dir:/mnt/repository" pegi3s/bdbm

If the above command fails, try running xhost + first. In this command, you should replace:

  • /your/data/dir to point to the directory that you want to have available at BDBM.
  • /your/repository/dir to point to the directory where you want a repository to be created.

Running this command opens the BDBM Graphical User Interface. Your results will be available in the specified repository.

Docker Pull Command

docker pull pegi3s/bdbm