
By pegi3s

Updated 9 months ago

A Docker image to map identifiers using the UniProt server through the Unipressed client.

Data Science
Databases & Storage
Machine Learning & AI


This image belongs to a larger project called Bioinformatics Docker Images Project (

ID mapping

The pegi3s/id-mapping Docker image allows mapping identifiers using the UniProt server through the Unipressed API client.

General ID mapping (UniProt)

The main script is map-ids, so you should adapt and run the following command:

docker run --rm -v /your/data/dir:/data -w /data pegi3s/id-mapping map-ids --from-db <FROM_DB> --to-db <TO_DB> --input input.txt --output output.tsv

In this command, you should replace:

  • /your/data/dir to point to the directory that contains the file you want to process.
  • input.txt to the actual name of your input TXT file with the identifiers to map (one per line).
  • output.tsv to the actual name of your output TSV file.
  • <FROM_DB> to the actual name of the source database of the input identifiers.
  • <TO_DB> to the actual name of the destination database.

The valid names for <FROM_DB> and <TO_DB> can be obtained with docker run --rm pegi3s/id-mapping list-from-dbs and docker run --rm pegi3s/id-mapping list-to-dbs, respectively.

The script help can be obtained with docker run --rm pegi3s/id-mapping map-ids --help.

Advanced script options are described in the next subsections.


To avoid repeating time and again the same mapping queries it is possible to enable a cache mechanism by using the --cache-dir <cache_dir_name> parameter. This way, the script will maintain a cache of previous queries for each different combination of <FROM_DB> and <TO_DB>.

Batch size and delay

By default, the script has a batch size of 10, which means that it will send queries with at most ten identifiers to the server. The default delay between queries is 1 second, which means that the script will wait for this time before sending a new batch query.

These values can be changed by specifying --batch-size <BATCH_SIZE> --delay <DELAY_SECONDS>.

Test data

To test the map-ids script, start creating a new file named ids.txt with the following identifiers:


And then run the following command (change /your/data/dir to the actual path to the ids.txt file)

docker run --rm -v /your/data/dir:/data -w /data \
    pegi3s/id-mapping map-ids \
        --from-db UniProtKB_AC-ID \
        --to-db Gene_Name \
        --input ids.txt \
        --output mapping.tsv \
        --cache-dir id_mapping_cache

The result will be available in the new mapping.tsv file created at /your/data/dir.

Gene ID to reference UniProtKB

Conversions using the map-ids can produce multiple mappings for the same identifier. To overcome this issue for the specific case of mapping Gene IDs into UniProtKB IDs, the gene-id-to-uniprotkb script is provided. This script opens the corresponding NCBI page of the specified Gene ID (e.g. for Gene ID 4297) and retrieves the reference protein accession that appears at the bottom of the page (e.g. UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot:P54252 in this case). This way a single UniProtKB ID for a given gene can be found.

You should adapt and run the following command:

docker run --rm -v /your/data/dir:/data -w /data pegi3s/id-mapping gene-id-to-uniprotkb input.txt output.tsv

In this command, you should replace:

  • /your/data/dir to point to the directory that contains the file you want to process.
  • input.txt to the actual name of your input TXT file with the Gene IDs to map (one per line).
  • output.tsv to the actual name of your output file.

The script help can be obtained with docker run --rm pegi3s/id-mapping gene-id-to-uniprotkb --help.


  • The default output format (--format or -f) is tsv. This means that a two-column TSV file is produced (see test data below): original Gene IDs in the first column and converted UniProtKB IDs in the second one. The output format txt allows obtaining only a list of the mapped UniProtKB IDs.
  • If an identifier cannot be found at NCBI it will appear in the output files as Not found. They can be ignored by adding --ignore-missing or -i to the command before.

Advanced script options are described in the next subsections.


To avoid repeating time and again the same mapping queries it is possible to enable a cache mechanism by using the --cache-dir <cache_dir_name> parameter. This way, the script will maintain a cache of previous queries for each input Gene ID.


The default delay between queries is 1 second, which means that the script will wait for this time before sending a new batch query.

These values can be changed by specifying --delay <DELAY_SECONDS>.

Test data

To test the gene-id-to-uniprotkb script, start creating a new file named gene_ids.txt with the following identifiers:


And then run the following command (change /your/data/dir to the actual path to the gene_ids.txt file)

docker run --rm -v /your/data/dir:/data -w /data \
    pegi3s/id-mapping gene-id-to-uniprotkb \
        gene_ids.txt \
        gene_ids_to_uniprotkbs_mapping.tsv \
        --format tsv \
        --cache-dir id_mapping_cache

The result will be available in the new gene_ids_to_uniprotkbs_mapping.tsv file created at /your/data/dir. It looks like the following:

GeneID  UniProtKB
4287    P54252
411     P15848


The latest tag contains always the most recent version.

[1.1.0] - 22/01/2024

  • Adds the gene-id-to-uniprotkb script.

[1.0.0] - 28/07/2022

  • Initial id-mapping image containing the map-ids, list-from-dbs and list-to-dbs scripts.

Docker Pull Command

docker pull pegi3s/id-mapping