ShareLaTex on Ubuntu 14
Image on docker hub:
ShareLaTeX is an open-source online real-time collaborative LaTeX editor. We can run directely a hosted version, and you can also run your own local version with docker ShareLaTex image.
Pull image:
docker pull pengbai/docker-sharelatex:0.2.0
ShareLaTex container run on port 3000, then visit on your browser http://localhost:49161 :
docker run -d -p 49161:3000 pengbai/docker-sharelatex:0.2.0
Keep your files on your own, you can volume the /data in container, then you can find your sources in /local-sharelatex-data:
docker run -d -p 49161:3000 -v /local-sharelatex-data:/data pengbai/docker-sharelatex:0.2.0
The code in this repository is released under the GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE, version 3. A copy can be found in the LICENSE
Copyright (c) ShareLaTeX, 2014.
docker pull pengbai/docker-sharelatex