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By Percona

Updated 2 months ago

A Prometheus exporter for MongoDB including sharding, replication and storage engines



MongoDB exporter

ReleaseBuild Code CoverageGo Report CardCLA assistantDiscord

This is the new MongoDB exporter implementation that handles ALL metrics exposed by MongoDB monitoring commands. This new implementation loops over all the fields exposed in diagnostic commands and tries to get data from them.

Currently, these metric sources are implemented:

  • $collStats
  • $indexStats
  • getDiagnosticData
  • replSetGetStatus
  • serverStatus
Old Percona MongoDB exporter
old 0.1x.y version (ex master branch) is moved to the release-0.1x branch.
If you considering migrating from the old version of the exporter - you can
use flag --compatible-mode to expose metrics in the old metric names. This
will simplify migration to the new version for you.


-h, --helpShow context-sensitive help
--compatible-modeExposes new metrics in the new and old format at the same time
--discovering-modeEnable autodiscover collections from databases which set in collstats-colls and indexstats-colls
--mongodb.collstats-collsList of comma separated databases.collections to get stats--mongodb.collstats-colls=testdb.testcol1,testdb.testcol2 or not a direct connect should be made. Direct connections are not valid if multiple hosts are specified or an SRV URI is
--mongodb.indexstats-collsList of comma separated database.collections to get index stats--mongodb.indexstats-colls=db1.col1,db1.col2
--mongodb.uriMongoDB connection URI ($MONGODB_URI)--mongodb.uri=mongodb://user:pass@ global connection pool instead of creating new connection for each http request.
--web.listen-addressAddress to listen on for web interface and telemetry--web.listen-address=":9216"
--web.telemetry-pathMetrics expose path--web.telemetry-path="/metrics"
--log.levelOnly log messages with the given severity or above. Valid levels: [debug, info, warn, error]--log.level="error"
--disable.diagnosticdataDisable collecting metrics from getDiagnosticData
--disable.replicasetstatusDisable collecting metrics from replSetGetStatus
--disable.dbstatsDisable collecting metrics from dbStats
--versionShow version and exit
Build the exporter

The build process uses the dockerized version of goreleaser so you don't need to install Go. Just run make release and the new binaries will be generated under the build directory.

├── build
│ ├── config.yaml
│ ├── mongodb_exporter_7c73946_checksums.txt
│ ├── mongodb_exporter-7c73946.darwin-amd64.tar.gz
│ ├── mongodb_exporter-7c73946.linux-amd64.tar.gz
│ ├── mongodb_exporter_darwin_amd64
│ │ └── mongodb_exporter <--- MacOS binary
│ └── mongodb_exporter_linux_amd64
│ └── mongodb_exporter <--- Linux binary
Running the exporter

If you built the exporter using the method mentioned in the previous section, the generated binaries are in mongodb_exporter_linux_amd64/mongodb_exporter or mongodb_exporter_darwin_amd64/mongodb_exporter


A docker image is available on docker hub.


Connecting user should have sufficient rights to query needed stats:


More info about roles in MongoDB documentation.


mongodb_exporter_linux_amd64/mongodb_exporter --mongodb.uri=mongodb://

Enabling collstats metrics gathering

--mongodb.collstats-colls receives a list of databases and collections to monitor using collstats. Usage example: --mongodb.collstats-colls=database1.collection1,database2.collection2

mongodb_exporter_linux_amd64/mongodb_exporter --mongodb.uri=mongodb:// --mongodb.collstats-colls=db1.c1,db2.c2

Enabling compatibility mode.

When compatibility mode is enabled by the --compatible-mode, the exporter will expose all new metrics with the new naming and labeling schema and at the same time will expose metrics in the version 1 compatible way. For example, if compatibility mode is enabled, the metric mongodb_ss_wt_log_log_bytes_written (new format)

# HELP mongodb_ss_wt_log_log_bytes_written serverStatus.wiredTiger.log.
# TYPE mongodb_ss_wt_log_log_bytes_written untyped
mongodb_ss_wt_log_log_bytes_written 2.6208e+06

will be also exposed as mongodb_mongod_wiredtiger_log_bytes_total with the unwritten label.

HELP mongodb_mongod_wiredtiger_log_bytes_total mongodb_mongod_wiredtiger_log_bytes_total
# TYPE mongodb_mongod_wiredtiger_log_bytes_total untyped
mongodb_mongod_wiredtiger_log_bytes_total{type="unwritten"} 2.6208e+06

Cluster role labels

The exporter sets some topology labels in all metrics. The labels are:

  • cl_role: Cluster role according to this table:
Server typeLabel
regular instance (primary or secondary)shardsvr
standalone(empty string)
  • cl_id: Cluster ID
  • rs_nm: Replicaset name
  • rs_state: Replicaset state is an integer from getDiagnosticData() -> replSetGetStatus.myState. Check the official documentation for details on replicaset status values.

Submitting Bug Reports and adding new functionality

please see Contribution Guide

Docker Pull Command

docker pull percona/mongodb_exporter